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Walking helps ease the pain

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I got a 4-wheel walker which also has a seat, this means I can walk until my hips get tight and I can sit and rest then I can carry on a bit more. Most days I make the effort to go out for a walk and this really reduces my pain & anxiety. I even sleep better. I had a car accident in 1996, then shortly after I found out I was pregnant with my daughter (now 18 years old) I have had pelvic pain since the accident, my pelvis split in the 8th month of pregnancy & it took me a long time after to be able to stand, sit or walk again, almost 2 years. I wish I had got the walker earlier in my recovery, because sitting in a wheelchair was convenient for everyone else, but I had so much pain I was always too medicated to take part in what was going on around me, like give my children the attention they deserved. I think if I had been using a walker after my accident I might even have avoided my pelvis separating in the first place, but as usual when you keep complain about pain to your doctor all you get is prescription for more medication. No one actually took me seriously until it finally split, passing it off as just pregnancy symptoms. because my pelvis did separate not only has it left me with a life-long disability, but also having more children was never a realistic option. I used to believe that I could do everything that men did, sports, horse riding, high impact aerobics, you only have one pelvis, for women it is especially important to consider if seat-belts are actually causing more harm than good. Your only real symptom might be lower back pain or stiffness which does not resolve after an accident or even a numb sensation, women just tolerate pelvic pain without having x-rays to really see the extent of the injury, unfortunately it's too late to do anything about it when you later decide to have a child. The effects of child bearing after injury is becoming more common as women strive to keep up. Our strength is also our weakness. I feel that lack of exercise has also hindered my recovery, the damage to my body from taking all the pain medication is also catch up with me. I had stomach ulcers, gallstones, migraines, depression. I often feel a bit sad that schools encourage girls to take part in sports & risk injury that might go unnoticed for years but become devastating when you can't have the family life you wanted. I also ended up having a hysterectomy after the birth of my daughter. Truth is for last 18 years there was never any real guidance about what to do or how to cope or rehabilitate myself. A raw food vegan diet helps reduce inflammation & pain. Yoga has always helped me to stay supple & find my inner calm. Walking around might seem like the last thing you want to do, but you soon find your limits & also rediscover the pleasures of being outdoors in nature. I discovered through my experience that pain also has a maximum sensation, that I found mine when my pelvis split, that you can't experience anything more painful, which took away my fears. I survived, if I had been educated then maybe things would have been better for me. Now I choose to do whatever I want, I just find a way to do it, it's just sad for me that I lost custody of my children too soon before I found a way to live with it, that I will never have a family life, that I am still paying the price for not demanding more from my GP because I felt I was over-reacting. All pain is an indication of something being wrong, if you don't have a diagnosis yet then keep trying, because it will not just go away. You are the expert about your body, if it feels wrong to you, then it is.

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