Hi everyone,
I am new here but I have been a member of the thyroid forum for many years.
I've also just joined the Sjogren's and the lupus groups because some of my symptoms could be attributed to these though I have no diagnoses, and the Changing Faces group for my rhinophyma.
I have Hashi's and thyroid problems are as misdiagnosed, mismanaged, gaslighted and undertreated as PA it seems, from my reading on various sites.
I think I may have a functional B12 deficiency. I don't eat much food which contains B12 and I have been on Metformin for 8 years, both of which are known to reduce B12.
As a Hashi's person, good levels of vits and minerals are required for my thyroid meds to work optimally. I supplement with vitamin D3, K2 Mk7, magnesium glycinate, L methyl folate 1000ug, vitamin B complex, vitamin B12 methylcobalamin 1000ug x 2 a day and biotin 12,000 mcg (which I stop, a week prior to any blood test.)
I have a lot of random symptoms, some going back years, some acquired in the last couple of years.
My GP is useless so I try to sort my own problems out as far as I am able. I have had my suspicions that I may have a B12 problem, for a while now.
A Medichecks blood test I did last September showed an MCV level of 102.9 fl (81-98) and my MCH was right at the top of the range at 32.9 pg ( 27-33.)
Serum folate was 45.4 nmol/L (8.83 - 60.8). Active B12 was 93.8 pmol/L (37.5 - 188.)
Vitamin D was 97 nmol/L (50 - 250).
Anti nuclear antibodies test was negative.
Intrinsic factor antibodies test was negative. I am aware that false negatives are common.
Whenever I have had to have a full blood count at the surgery, my MCV has always been just above the top of the range, as has my lymphocyte count. The highest my MCH has been was in 2018 when it was 34.8pg (28 - 33.8) with my MCV being at that time 101 (80 - 99.)
Like I said, I am a newbie here and there is such a lot to learn, but am I right in thinking my results indicate I could have macrocytic anaemia?
I note that this can be a factor in blood sugar control (I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 8 years ago, despite always having a healthy "clean" diet and exercising) and I had to have an MRI on my brain 2 years ago, which showed I have cerebral small vessel disease, which can also be linked to low B12 at cellular level.
I also have a myriad of other symptoms which from my reading, I see can be linked to low B12 eg breathlessness, blurred vision, aching joints and muscles, chronic longstanding back pain around the L5/sacroiliac joint, hair loss etc.
If I were to go to my GP and beg to be tested for B12 problems even though my serum levels look OK, should I stop my folate supplement beforehand, and if so, how long before?
I currently supplement with 2000ug a day B12 but I don't want to stop these for months until they are out of my system. I appreciate I will have to stress to the GP that serum B12 testing will be useless, so I will need more in depth tests.
Do you think I have grounds to suspect functional deficiency and therefore, might stand a chance getting B12 jabs?
Sorry for the long post. Sorry, too, if my questions are naive 🤔😕.
Thankyou in advance, for any replies.