I’m 22 years old and have been having chest pains on and off for the past 2 and a half/ 3 years, I been to my GP had chest x rays, multiple blood tests and ECGs but nothing has been confirmed as to what it could be? It has been mentioned that it could possibly be Costochondritis but I’m not so sure. Can anyone offer any advice as to what it could be and what can help the pain as normal pain killers such as ipuprofen and paracetamol do not seem to be helping. Thank you.
Chest Pains: I’m 22 years old and have been... - Pain Concern
Chest Pains

Hi, have you been to the doctors about it, and do you have any diagnosed with anything specific?.
I used to get chest/breast pain all the time when I was younger and it was hormonal. Maybe your body just wants to be pregnant.
It could be something as simple as ‘Trapped Wind’. Certain analgesics cause horrendous gastrointestinal side effects often resulting in severe constipation and trapped wind.
I had been a ‘Named Patient’ receiving co-proxamol up to 2015 without any side effects, when I was forced to change to other opioids some of them left me ‘chemically coshed’ with severe gastrointestinal problems tramadol has resulted in severe constipation and trapped wind. I find strong sugar free mints the only solution.
Could it be acid reflux? Perhaps your GP could try you on a PPI.

What’s a PPI? I’m going to go back to the doctors this week and see if this could possibly be the cause as a few others I have spoken to have mentioned this could be a cause of the chest pains .
I was also thinking abut Costochondritis, as it can sometimes feel like a heart attack.
Hi Lucy. PPIs are Proton Pump Inhibitors. They reduce the amount of acid the stomach makes which can relieve reflux as there is less/no burning in the oesophagus It is that burning that causes pain. I hope you get resolution to your problems.
Worth seeing an Alexander Teacher. It could be a head neck posture issue. The head is heavy and should balance on top of the spine. Sometimes what happens is that the head is no longer balanced on top of the spine. Heads are heavy and muscle holding up the head can cause all sorts of issues elsewhere in the body. These issues cannot be detected by x-rays because x-rays cannot pick up over contracted muscles.
Hi- I can relate to what you're feeling, and am so thankful to have come upon your post. I felt the same thing for years on and off and now on again. Have you tried going on a gluten free diet? It's an easy experiment and I'm so curious if this could be the cause of all of our pain!! I stopped eating bread and pasta for the past 2 years and the pain was gone. I started slowly eating it again a few months ago, and the pain is back!! Now a few days without it, and the pain seems to be going away. I am seeing an allergist soon, but I completely believe this is the cause. Try it!!!