PLEASE HELP! Chest pain for over 2 years and ... - Pain Concern

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PLEASE HELP! Chest pain for over 2 years and Doctors cant find out why.

MW3447 profile image
69 Replies

Im so desperate for any and all help in this, I really can't do this anymore and Doctors don't know whys worng.

Here has been my last 2 years.

I have been having chest pains, BAD chest pains. I have seens every doctor and had every test done that you can thing of, Xrays for my chest and spine, breathing Tests, GASTRIC EMPTYING study ,endoscopy w/ biopsy, a Bravo 48 PH test, Esophageal pH monitoring, a full ECHOCARDIOGRM with stress test, Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) Test, 3 ECG tests, any MANY MANY blood test for rare things like, lupus and other things like that. My Heart, Lungs and GI track are ALL PERFECT. I have been put on Meds for desperation/anxiety (prozac anaxx) I have had pain Meds likehydrocodone And Tramadol (both don't really do anything). I have hard time breathing something, I'm always tired, my pain never stops is always just there. (And i'm sure i missing out on somethings but i cant remember what else has been done to me.)

I Don't know what to do anymore i have been put on a medication called theophylline a week ago and have not felt any different but i'm still giving it a try. I was perfectly fine 2 years ago this just starting coming on and i thought it was gowning pains and over the time it just keeps getting worse and worse. I feel like i have tried everything and i feel like doctors don't know or understand whats going on. I have tried reading online and find someone like me and have not. I'm sorry if im all over the place cuz i feel like i am, I just want to get help, i can't live like this anymore.

I don't really know why im posting this, i guess i'm hopping ill find someone to help me or knows someone of something that can.


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MW3447 profile image
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69 Replies
Madscientist profile image

You dont give your age-range, but if you are 20-ish your bones have only just finished growing. Do you always use sun screen and stay out of the sun? Have you been tested for vitamin D deficiency? Has any doc thought of chostochondritis?

Three questions, but the rib margins are an area you can't rest as you need to breathe!

If you haven't had vit D test, try to get that as it's involved with calcium metabolism which is part of bone metabolism.

Nita7 profile image

Hi There

I am so sorry to hear you going through this. I guess you are still very young. The only thing I can add is that at your age, I had such bad 'kidney' pains and they also did all possible tests without conclusive outcome. In the end it was fibromyalgia. Perhaps the chest pain is muscle spasms? I do get that from time to time. Please try toyohari accupuncture or normal accupuncture. It does not work completely after 2 consultations, you must be patient. The Chinese approach has been around for a long time, so just give it a chance. I wish you well. With a special hug xxx

Reykua profile image

Hi MW3447,

Your situation sounds terrible. Could you please give us a little more information.

Please describe exactly how the pain feels, is it a dull continuous ache or sharp stabbing pain? what would you say it was on a pain scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being not too bad, 5 being manageable with pain meds and 10 being excruciating.

Did it start after an illness or some sort of trauma? When is it worse, mornings, evenings, after eating? Does it affect your breathing and is it worse when you breathe in or when you breathe out? Does the pain feel worse when you stand, sit or lie down?

I look forward to hearing back from you with a view to giving as much support as possible.

Wishing you better coping skills.

Gialv01 profile image
Gialv01 in reply toReykua

Hi I'm going thru the same thing for as long as I can remember and I don't know what to do no more

For me it feels like a sharp stabing and it would be between a 8 and a 10. I really son know when it started but when I was little had some sort of hole in my heart and the docs said it would close on its on so they didnt do anything about it. It doesn't have a specific time when it gets worse, it just comes out of no where. Yes it affects my breathing and I would say both, when breathing in and out. And I don't have to be in any specific position for it to hurt a lot.

Please help me get rid of this pain 😣😣😣

I have been admitted to hospital due to chest pain.After numerous tests I had to accept that I have corstalcondritis (inflammation of cartlage in the rib cage) I also suffer with reflux disease which causes severe pain in my chest and throat.I used to think I was having a heart attack as my jaw would be painful.I find milk is good at neutralising the acid pain.I also take omeprazole tabs every morning,also find gaviscon instants (powder you put on your tongue to dissolve) help somewhat.I don't know what the cause of this is.It can just come on when I am at rest.Stress can definitely cause it.I am in my sixties and have coped with this for many years.I wish you good luck and hopefully a remedy if not a cure.

Catfish49862 profile image

You may inflammation in your chest. There is a test the globular sedimentation rate that measures inflammation. My chest has been hurting as well since my GSR test came back high I think it may be inflammation in the lung lining. Prednisone seems to work for me. Good luck.

louiseamos profile image

Hi.MW 3447 . I had chest pains starting at 23.. though my back..couldn't breath in hurt that doctor did all tests you've had I had ECG.. and that running machine.. that's it..kept saying was stress.. well got to 30.. sent me physio..told my upper joints stiff..and true was gone in no painkillers or nothing..scarey.. you've had all chest things try not to stress .I knew its hard..but you've had everything tested by sounds of it....hope you find out soon what's what

johnsmith profile image

It sounds like your chest muscles are too tight. This is the sort of thing that medical practitioners never test for. Why are your chest muscles too tight? There can be a number of reasons. See an Alexander Teacher who has expertise in breathing. They can do hands on work to teach you how to relax your chest muscles and use them more efficiently. This may help reduce the pain. The pain could be coming from the nerve endings which are being exposed to lactic acid poisoning from the tight muscles.

If you are a lady you need to see a female Alexander Teacher. I how how to release tight chest muscles. However I cannot put my hands in the right places on the ladies.

Yoga should also help loosen your chest.

Hope this helps

rosewine profile image

Hi MW. So sorry to hear what you are going through and at such a young age no wonder you are in such despair It is terrible to have had to go through all those tests and still not have any answers. Like Reykua I would like to know more about your pain as it is very difficult for us to relate it to our own conditions unless we know more. I have costochondritis which is inflamation of the cariledge and muscles in the chest wall. When it first came on I too thought I was having a heart attack. The first two attacks only lasted for about 2 weeks and went away of their own accord but appoximately four and a half years back I had a severe attack and have had the condition on and off since. I might add that I have other health problems including arthritis and GORD that exaserbate the condition. I am on painkillers and a drug called Pregablin and of course Lansaprazole for the GORD which I think was caused by all the drugs I was already on for other problems. It hasn;t cured anything but I was only looking back at some diaries that i filled in when it first started and I have come a long way since then. Anyway please tell us more so we can try and help you. Never feel that you are alone in this as this a good community which will try and help you all we can. Please come back to usx

So sorry to hear you are in soo much pain for one so young you should not be having pain in your life, the only way forward is for you to keep pestering your GP and surgeon Madscientist had a good idea about other things to consider worth a try stay positive and ask for counselling. Stay in touch with thus group just talking like you did helps

Sending you positive vibes.

MW3447 profile image

Thank you all so much for getting back to me, I know have have left out A TON.

Im 20 yrs old and female, Im VERY light skin so i don't stay in the sun long and if i do i have to where sun screen but i don't put that on very much cuz i try to stay out on the sun for long periods of time

My pain feels like a tightness of my whole chest and a stabbing pain. worst days is 10 (went to the ER 5 times in one year :/ ) Most the time (all day, it never goes away) its more like 4-5 (but i cant take anything for it cuz i work and my meds make me sleepy so thats not on anything) it started 2 and half years ago, I was not sick, Nothing BAD or good happened. I did find out i was moving a few months after it started and that's when i noticed it starting to get worse ( i was only 17 almost 18 and not working at the time). as for when its worse i feel like its random, It hurts NONE stop, i do know im in more pain at night but i also i notice it more when i have nothing to do, but there are time when im busy, working and im in a lot of pain. it doesn't hurt more when breathing but when in in alot of pain i know ill hold my breath not because it helps but for some reason i do it sometimes. doing really anything make it worse. (running, walking to long, standing,) After about 5 hours of work will go home and want to sleep the rest of the day away cuz im really tired and in pain, and i work 8 hr shift most the time. I know that's kinda every where, so feel free to ask more about that.

I work at Starbucks and while it not a HARD job to say i feel like most the time its a hard job for me. but then again most anything other than being totally lazy make for a hard day, I use to be pretty active, Not in any sports or anything but up to this is use to LOVE running and playing outside and climbing trees, I was very tom boyish so i loved to do anything and everything outside.

corstalcondritis and pleurisy has been a thought/treatment, but all of the doctors that i have seen said its not that cuz, I forgot to tell you guys, I have 0 inflammation in my body. They did do a test for that and it came back perfect, but before that test came back i was put on some pretty strong steroids for inflammation i was on them about 1 weeks and they didnt do anything. I have been treated for reflux disease and tested when they did the endoscopy, i have a slight reflix but the GI doc said its not why i'm in pain HOW EVER i am on omeprazole twice a day to treat ulcers that i have (also its not why im having chest pain.) the endoscopy came back with very thing normal. i also had a test done about 3 weeks ago to see if my esophagus was spamming and that test came back fine as well.

Again im sorry if much of this sounds weird and all over the place, Doesnt help that im tired and writing this at 10pm at night but i cant sleep cuz yup my chest pain keeps me awake alot. Feel free to ask anything else i think i better leave you with that ^^^^ Mess of words but there and try and get some sleep. THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking time to look at this, Really helped me out! Thanks yall!

NotChondo23 profile image
NotChondo23 in reply toMW3447

I am so sorry. I too have suffered exActly your pain. After seven years I finally found the problem; esophageal and colon cancer. But my insurance won't cover the anesthesia to confirm their findings through a endoscopy & colonoscopy. The pain is through the roof most days. Pain pills stopped effectiveness. The e.r. is a joke thinking I'm a pain pill seeker; Only after just one visit I feel abused and neglected. After calling all the right people & filling out the proper paper work to stake a complaint or two...I lay here day after day in excruciating pain. I had to share this with someone....alone in my pain, I'm hoping you're not.

JaneN40 profile image
JaneN40 in reply toNotChondo23

Oh my goodness, that sounds awful. I’m so sorry you’ve had to wait this long to find the cause.

Neoprism profile image
Neoprism in reply toNotChondo23

Try hemp seed oil one half teaspoon every night, I get it from vitamin shoppe. Give it a couple weeks for it to start working and don't forget to take it each night.

Bjaymc profile image
Bjaymc in reply toMW3447

Hi, I just stumbled upon this site and read your post. I may have an answer to all of your problems, you see when I was 35yrs old (now 55)I suffered with terrible chest pain, this went on for 7 years. No one (doctors) could figure it out. To make a long story short, I was finally diagnosed with esophageal spasms which mimic heart attack. I take medicine called bentyl syrup or generic called dyciclomine (spelling wrong) Ask for a test called esophageal monetary test, measures muscles in your esophagus for spasms.Hope this helps, I suffered way to long. Good luck

Neoprism profile image
Neoprism in reply toMW3447

Try hemp seed oil one half teaspoon every night, I get it from vitamin shoppe. Give it a couple weeks for it to start working and don't forget to take it each night.

Neoprism profile image
Neoprism in reply toMW3447

Try hemp seed oil one half teaspoon every night, I get it from vitamin shoppe. Give it a couple weeks for it to start working and don't forget to take it each night.

flowerpower66 profile image

Have a look at Tietze's Syndrome, I had massive chest pains. I struggled climbing stairs, couldn't breathe properly, etc. It did go by itself eventually but I did have it for quite a while. Hope. You find out what's causing it soon.x

chairbasedIns1 profile image

Has a physiotherapist checked you for fibromyalgia? It might well be worth having a full psychological assessment by a specialist as the mind is very powerful and even though you might not get a definite diagnosis they would help you to manage the problem and not get too frightened by it.Some one needs to look at the full person you are rather than symptoms separately.Keep a daily diary of what happens and how you feel.Sometimes it can be food intolerance.Just live for the minute and cope with that.All best Wishes

mmpieri25 profile image

Hi, i can definitely relate to your chest pains. I am 24 and have been dealing with them for over ten years. Seen every doctor around and yet have been given the easy route answer; anxiety. I have very little stress in life so do not see how that would be the cause for such a life changing pain. It comes on randomly and affects every thing i do, even walking. Its hard to think i have to spend my entire life like this, some days its not even worth it. Just have to try to stay strong!!!

robotica profile image

Hello everyone, I am glad I found this post. I too have been suffering from sporadic, undefined chest pains for going on 2 years now, with no real sigh of improvement. Some days, like today, it's almost constant, other days it's off and on, but always lurking.

The first time it happened it lasted for about 2 weeks and then went away. At first I thought I was on the verge of having a heart attack, but after it went away I kind of didn't think about. A few months later it started back up, but this time it never went away. After a year of dealing with it I started going see doctors, thinking they would be able to help.

I haven't had nearly as many procedures as the OP, but a handful of EKG's, a stress test, blood work, hollter monitor and im sure there are some others but I can't remember off hand. All of them came back negative of any problems. So like another poster mentioned, my dr said its likely stress related... okay, I won't totally rule that out, but I highly doubt it.

The pain is kind of hard to describe, it's not always the same. It comes and goes, it isn't constant as it always stops hurting for a bit. Usually I will feel a shap pain, it might last for a few seconds, go away, come back, go away, come back, go away for a while, come back. The pain radiates, it is definitely more centered around my heart area, but I have felt it all over my chest, even around my shoulders and upper arms. Sometimes, not often, but very rarely it will hurt to breathe, specifically for deep breaths. The pain doesn't really feel like it's my heart, more like the muscles or something, it's hard to describe.

Some things about me: a couple times when I was younger I had these episodes where it felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. Like, it would suddenly go into hyper mode and just beat so incredibly hard that the people who seen it were freaked out and scared that I was about to have some kind of heart failure. It didn't hurt and it went away after a minute or so. It only ever happened to that degree twice, both times I was so young that my parents didn't take it very serious, we also didnt have insurance so unless I was dying I wasn't going.

My whole life I just ignored it, thinking I had some heard defect and that one day my heart would kill me. Well, all these years later and I am afraid that the time is now. I told my dr about these episodes and he said that my heart looks fine and to not worry about it, but I am not so sure. From time to time I get these single heart beats that are similar to what I had experienced as a kid. However, it's just a single beat. It happens very infrequently and there is no real rhyme or reason as to why it happens as far as I understand. I told this to him too, but I don't think he really believed me because he didn't seem to think anything of it.

Anyways, it's good to share.

Thanks for listening. I pray everyone suffering to find a solution :)

Bjaymc profile image
Bjaymc in reply torobotica

Please ask to have a esophageal manometry test. Esophageal spasms mimic heart attack. I suffered for 7years until diagnosed. Still take medicine for them. Hope this helps

hmag2015 profile image

I can't believe everything you say it is the same exact thing as mine! I've had many test but not as many as you! I am online right now searching for an answer because it's hurting really bad

hmag2015 profile image

I'm 24

baker4493 profile image

Same situation.

22 M. I just quit my job of lately cos of this pain.. I was doing a data entry job back in dubai, i would feel my chest is lifting some big weight.. and i just couldn't proceed with typing..

Someone out there. please come to our help.. This pain makes me angry. so angry.. I can't help it anymore.

baker4493 profile image

Same situation.

22 M. I just quit my job of lately cos of this pain.. I was doing a data entry job back in dubai, i would feel my chest is lifting some big weight.. and i just couldn't proceed with typing..

Someone out there. please come to our help.. This pain makes me angry. so angry.. I can't help it anymore.

sportsplayer100 profile image

I know exactly what your talking about. I have had the pain for 3 years now and I'm hooked on painkillers b/c of the pain and i have to work with consyruction. I've been diagnosed with costochondritis but i know something else is wrong but docs say everythings ok. Icepacks should be your best friend and a heated blanket atake vitamins and stay strong

veens_9402 profile image

Have you had a chest xray? It could a be punctured lung- a small puncture wouldn't cause your lungs to collapse, but it would be painful. Also could be magnesium deficiency , take baths with epsom salts- might help.

Oshana123 profile image

Wow I have had the exact same experience but mine is self inflected. I came out of a 7 year relationship and got assaulted on the job in 2013. Sad to say that I tried drugs like ecstacy mixed with alchohol and that was the end to my health. I know people and the doctors I've seen had 0 sympathy for someone that fuck ed up his own life but as humans we make mistakes. I pray you all get the health and happiness back in your lives. God bless! 

k737 profile image

Hey MW3447

Sorry to hear about what you're going through, I have been on the internet on and off for a year now trying to find a cure or some relief for this random condition that no one seems to have any idea about. My sister is 22 and she seems to have the same problem as you since she was 21 which came out of thin air, there was no triggers etc so random! The doctor's have no idea, tried everything, ECG's, CAT Scans, various drugs, in and out of A&E, acupuncture (which made it worse), she is currently messaging me telling me she is at work in crazy pain! hence why I am on the search again, they first told her it was costochondritis and gave her meds for it (ampritritiline?) anyway, after about 6 months of taking this they realised she doesn't even have inflammation. She's been on all types of pain kills, which do not help at all. All tests that they have done come back clear, including blood tests... No clue as to what is going on, I have told her to try Yoga to see if it is that the muscles need loosening? Gym doesn't work and neither does physio. Will get back to you once she has tried yoga but she finds that food helps, not sure how but seems to ease the pain when she eats. We have also tried balms and oils etc, sometimes they give a little relief... Epsom salt baths to help a little. We have recently been told that it might be something to do with asthma, that is an avenue she is currently waiting to be referred to. I know people in the respiratory team and they have said that she may need to be seen by them to do some tests as it might be related but again only time will tell. Let me know if you have found an answer or if it has got any better. I know its easier said than done but try and stay strong, part of this is a mental fight too, my sister has got stronger from when it first began, she has managed to have a little control over it by trying to be strong. The mind is a powerful thing, don't let the pain win!!

Afromarine48 profile image

I'm a 6'1 black man,16 Marine corps veteran. After leaving Marines in 2007 due to chronic pain, I was wrongly diagnosed with lupus, fibromyalgia, ECT. In 2010 I was diagnosed with rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis. I began having knee buckling chest pain in 2014. I have had 3 blood clots since 2014. They have ran several test and still have no clue as to what's causing chest pain. I'm on 8mg hydromorphone 3 times a day which I only take when needed. Sometimes it helps with pain sometimes it doesn't. The emergency room and my primary care have no clue, I've seen every specialist, rhumatologist,cardiovascular, orthopedic. I'm about to throw in towel

Janedirt profile image

I’ve had the same problem as you for 4 years,no answer yet.Will have a heart cath done soon to rule out blockage.

MichaelMichael profile image

Did you ever figure your pain out. I am 40 and going through the exact same thing but male.

Altamash048 profile image

I'm suffering from this condition "EXACTLY THE SAME" for over a year now.

I have done more than 10 ecgs, echo test ,ultrasound and all came out clear.

I was also diagnosed with hiatus hernia….

My symptoms are exactly like yours… pain in left side, radiates to the arm, shoulder, sometimes makes the jaw numb as well, bubble on the lower side of the rib cage which obstructs breathing as well.

I haven't found a permanent fix but these things if you keep taking will remove the pain and probably fix in the long run.

1) Kefir yogurt (Get free kefir grains from somewhere and make yogurt daily and drink almost a liter everyday) *for all gastro issues plus promotes good bacteria – if you are in dubai…i can give you.

2) Nexum. *gastrointestinal issues…

3) pregablin (Lyrica) *Nerve related issues

4) Bromazepam (Lexotenal) *Anxiety

All of these are solutions to these.

I would suggest to try all and see what works for you.

For me all of them work specially kefir since its natural(organic) with no chemicals and still does the job.

Please let me know if any of the above help you out.

Katielucyx profile image

Hi guys, I know this is an old post but just wondered if any of you have got any answers?

I’ve been dealing with sharp, stabbing chest pains on left side for 5 years now.

These pains are on and off. Il get them everyday for usually about 4/5 weeks, then they will go for a couple months or so and then return. I’m a 25 year old female. I’ve had 2 eggs and a chest X-ray. All clear.

I really am struggling to cope with it anymore. Takes over my life!

Glasscat123 profile image
Glasscat123 in reply toKatielucyx

GLUTEN FREE!! Just try the gluten free diet!!! I stay far away from gluten now, and the same pain everyone described here is completely gone. I don't want to lead anyone away from dealing with a serious problem with such an easy answer, if there in fact is one, but sounds like this is an unexplained pain so worth a try to JUST STOP EATING: BREAD. PASTA. DONUTS. MUFFINS. Anything made of WHEAT. It's not so hard, there are plenty of decent substitutes now. I checked negative for CILIAC Disease, but am definitely extremely sensitive to wheat which has really changed over the years. I had chest pains daily for a long time, and when I don't eat GLUTEN it goes away! Try it!!!

Raditz profile image

Hi everyone. This forum is very helpful. I've been experiencing chest pain for about 6 months now and I feel it whenever I twist my body or push my chest forward. It just started out of nowhere. It's hard to describe the pain but it feels sharp or like muscle ache which is within my chest wall. When I'm working i don't feel it but when I lay down I can feel it's there and I keep twisting my body to feel comfort. So far it's not affecting my breathing it's just when I move my body to certain way. I wonder if all you guys are experiencing the chest pain when you move your body or it's just there the whole time? Thank you.

Fishboi profile image
Fishboi in reply toRaditz

I've had the exact same issue. I'm a 25 year old Male with Left chest pain that comes and goes when twisting, stressed, or bending forward. I've had an ekg, bloodwork, stress test, ultrasound of my heart, endoscopy and xray of my ribs. So far they've reasoned that the issue isn't cardiac since all my tests have come back totally normal. However, my ortho isn't sure costrochondritis is the proper diagnosis since I've been having the pain for about 3 months now. I'm trying a topical anti inflammatory called Pennsaid right now. If there isnt any improvement my ortho wants to do a chest MRI which at this point I'm willing to throw money at whatever may give me some actual answers. It's extremely frustrating going to the doctor upwards of 20 times within the past 3 months alone.

Fishboi profile image
Fishboi in reply toFishboi

Also have left shoulder blade pain, and the occasional pain in my left arm. According to the three cardiologists I've seen though my heart is perfectly fine. However, my ortho ordered a chest MRI so we'll see if that yields any answers. Going see my primary on Friday and gonna ask her about getting a cardiac CT scan as several studies have shown even people with normal cholesterol levels can suffer from significant plaque build up within their arteries. So over all this whenever and if ever this stops I'm going on a very long vacation cuz its overly needed following 3 months of this BS.

Raditz profile image
Raditz in reply toFishboi

I will do the same as it's quite bothering me as well. Let me know the results of your tests. Hope you feel better.

Fishboi profile image
Fishboi in reply toRaditz

Unfortunately my chest MRI is getting delayed as my insurance company wont cover it even though my ortho did a peer to peer review appeal. All good though found a couple facilities that offer decent pricing on chest MRI's without insurance coverage. Either way I feel ya dude it's so annoying just randomly getting said pain from bending forward or just sorts randomly. When did all your symptoms start? For me all this happened a couple weeks after having a bad respiratory infection that caused me to cough more violently than I ever have. Idk the whole situation is most uncool though. I've only had these issues for like 3 months I couldn't imagine 6 months worth. Anyways, it is relieving to know I'm not alone in trying to figure all this out. If you manage to figure out what's been causing your issues please let me know and I shall definitely do the same for you. Our symptoms sound eerily similar. Is your chest pain primarily on the left side as well? I feel it in my upper left chest and somewhat in my left ribs

Raditz profile image
Raditz in reply toFishboi

I felt relieved as well that I wasn't alone on dealing this pain. It's nice to know that we can share information on understanding what's causing this. MY pain starts on the left side and then now it's on the center chest wall and a bit to the right like it's radiating when I twist my upper body or bend forward. the symptoms stars there too when I had a bit of cough that I was aggressively coughing. Then I slowly felt this already. Thank you for keeping me updated it really helps. I'll let you know once I found more of my condition. Take care.

Fishboi profile image
Fishboi in reply toRaditz

Sounds like you and I are dealing with the same issue my friend. Its sooo annoying, but I'm no longer 100% convinced I have a heart issue. This whole issue isnt helped by the fact that I'm kind of a hypochondriac lol. Here's to hoping both of us will be better before the end of 2019.

Fishboi profile image
Fishboi in reply toFishboi

Chest MRI came back totally normal and had no indication of costrochondritis. So now I'm at yet another dead end. I truly hope someone can figure this out, as its causing me tremendous anxiety and depression.

Healthcosto101 profile image
Healthcosto101 in reply toFishboi

From what I have read here and on other forums MRIs and x-rays etc do not show Costo. It seems to be inflammation-based and can be caused by injury, poor posture, tension held in your back and anxiety. Many people also mention onset after flu or severe coughing. Hope this helps rest your mind a bit.

1976NY profile image
1976NY in reply toFishboi

Thanks Fishboi, we need to get better. thanks for sharing.

1976NY profile image

It can be very frustrating, am so sorry you are in such on going pain. Honestly, I have been through same exact pain, except the pain I have at times feels like sharp pricks , stabs through the back. I get dizzy at times and general body weakness. The pain tends more to the left side but the center of it all is the sternum . The pain will also alternate to the right, so basically just right below/underneath the breasts or upper rib cage. I have done numerous and all tests one can think of, and am now scheduled for a colonoscopy. But honestly sharing and reading from others with similar history relieves a lot.

But honestly, it scares me a whole lot that I have this amount of pain and all tests are negative. sad.

I hope you get better.

1976NY profile image
1976NY in reply to1976NY

I forgot to add that yes I also get muscle like pains in my upper arms these last months to the extent that am not able to raise my hands. But really what is this? smh!

Fishboi profile image
Fishboi in reply to1976NY

Yeah it makes you think it is a heart or artery blockage that they're just missing :(

1976NY profile image
1976NY in reply toFishboi

Yeah, the actually did the cardio ultrasound and a number of EKG. They said heart was okay . I have had this for a year and a half now.

Fishboi profile image
Fishboi in reply to1976NY

How long have you been experiencing the chest pain?

Glasscat123 profile image

Has anyone tried a gluten free diet? I don't really understand why, but I found that without gluten my chest pains were relieved. I started nibbling on bread and pasta again a few months ago and I've noticed that the pain is back with a vengeance! So, I stopped eating gluten 2 days ago, and already feel better! I've had multiple chest x rays and EKGs over the past 15 years, with no explanation. I am healthy, thin and active, and otherwise feel great. I stopped eating gluten on a whim a few years ago and the pain went away completely within days. I am so curious to know if other people have tried gluten free and if it helped.... or if it's all in my head!

1976NY profile image
1976NY in reply toGlasscat123

I should try that. I think diet or what we eat greatly contributes to the way our bodies feel.

Fishboi profile image

I haven't tried gluten free but at this point I'm willing to try literally anything to make this go away.

JaneN40 profile image

I’ve had constant chest pain for 8 weeks. Have had so many tests. 2 trips to A&E, over 10 to doctors. pain is in sternum area. I’ve not been able to work for 6 weeks. No diagnosis just doctors think it could be Costochondritis.

Fishboi profile image

Yeah I'm just scared its something they can only detect via a cardiac cath angiogram or some really hard disease to pin down such as microvascular angina :/ my doctors thought it was costrochondritis as well but my chest MRI revealed no signs of inflammation at all in said area thus they have noooo idea what's causing this.

JaneN40 profile image

Do stretching exercises help? Wondering if it’s muscular tension at root of all this?

Fishboi profile image
Fishboi in reply toJaneN40

Not typically unfortunately

Fishboi profile image
Fishboi in reply toJaneN40

Have you found any form of relief?

Healthcosto101 profile image
Healthcosto101 in reply toJaneN40

I found a website that uses a tennis ball next to the spine, when you lie on it your body weight causes deep massage which eventually loosens the tension. Move the ball around until you find a painful spot relax and try to stay still for about a minute. Warning it hurts like hell and may trigger pain in your sternum or front rib area, but this then eases. My experience is that it does help with persistence.

Fishboi profile image

Has anyone received any form of relief from these symptoms or gotten anymore clues as to what could be causing this?

sweetkitten profile image
sweetkitten in reply toFishboi

went to A&E three days ago regarding chest pain, same hospital i went to in an ambulance a few months ago... yet again no answers. i’m young so they refuse to do anything other than ECG/chest xray as it’s rare for me to have any issues at my age apparently. They said it could be GORD so

given me lansoprazole to try out for a month, then must report back to my DR to see

if symptoms are relieved. it’s been three days and my chest pain is back again unfortunately and don’t think the lansoprazole is going to work. really want answers as my pain is reaching a level 10 most days, i’m having to stay off work and laze around in bed all day

JaneN40 profile image
JaneN40 in reply tosweetkitten

They keep telling me it’s Costochondritis - I’ve had a lot of time off work too.

Glasscat123 profile image

Try a gluten free diet!! Seriously. This is the cause of my chest pain. No bread, crackers, gluten. Try for a week, it's not hard. I have had the same issues as described. 3 weeks- no pain.

Parker91 profile image

Did you ever get a diagnosis to treat your chest pain? My wife has been dealing with unexplainable chest pain for over 6 years! It started after the birth of our 1st child. The pain went away during two later pregnancies but always returned. Now it seems to be back with a vengeance and doctors can’t explain it. Looking for help. Thanks

Fishboi profile image
Fishboi in reply toParker91

Have they considered lymphoma?

Me2323 profile image

I have been experiencing rib pain for 4 years now and still no answers, it’s on the right side, I can’t sleep on that side as it hurts and I have constant pain during the day no matter what I’m doing and the pain is way to much for me to handle anymore, it gets worse day after day, I’ve had to excuse myself from class because I was in so much pain and couldn’t handle it, and my pain tolerance isn’t low, the pain I’ve been through for the last 6 months with my hip had proven that. The doctor had done several xrays for years and blood work as well but nothing, then he finally sent me for an MRI which then showed nothing, he previously told me if he found nothing on the MRI he would send me for a CT bevauee “this has been going on for to long, we will get to the bottom of this” as he said and then once the MRI was done and they found nothing he is now saying he won’t send me for the CT and he is out of ideas and the only thing he will do for me is send me to a pain clinic for coping mechanisms which isn’t what I need. With the pain I have also experienced breathing issues and I went for all these breathing tests and still nothing. I’m stuck and don’t know what to do or who I can turn to. I need answers, it’s taking away my life, I’m young and yet I feel like I’m trapped, I’m to tired to go out and do things, I feel down everyday and I just feel done with everything I do. I’m just so stuck. I’m sorry I can’t help you but your not alone.

Neoprism profile image

I'm in the same boat. Chest pain fir a decade and they can't find anything. I take a half teaspoon of hemp seed oil from the vitamin shoppe (slightly less). It is the only thing that works and the chest pains have been resolved if I take it nightly before bed. Now its down by 95%. Need to take daily though or they return.

Amors profile image

So nice to be able to relate. Been dealing with the same thing going on 2 years. I’ve been told it’s anxiety too or due to hormones postpartum.

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