Basically, I've had an awful chest pain for at least two years now and it's gradually getting worse. It feels like a heavy, pressure pain right in the middle of my chest and to the left hand side. I've been to the GP about this and was told they think it's Costochondritis. Since then, it's getting worse. When I lie down it gets worse and a lot of the time I feel like I can't breathe properly, I get out of breath really easily and can't seem to take a deep breath.
I got referred to a Cardiologist last week and they gave me an ECG scan. It came back normal and he told me that there's nothing else they can do because my heart and lungs are fine. He 'thinks' that I've damaged the muscles around my heart and my chest wall. Which I don't understand because I've never had any trauma at all to my chest.
I'm quite scared because I've never been given an x-ray or ultrasound and I'm thinking it could be something awful. Any advice is appreciated
- Also! I'm 22 and have never smoked