Had a upsetting visit to oncologist yesterday, she says my ca 125 is not falling, with the last 3 rounds of chemotherapy still at 257.... ,That I have become platinum sensitive. I have a beast within which will not sleep! Diagnosis 17/12/11 ca 125 at 2089.... First chemo on Xmas day, then 3 cycles of carboplatin and taxol... Major surgery : uterus, ovaries,fallopian tubes, cervix, omentum, appendix and part of rectum... 3c think probably 4 something...... Had good debunking and was put on petroc trial so had to have good clearance.
3 more cycles to mop up and ca 125 was at 128.
10 weeks later the beast roars and obstructs my bowel.... Steroids and chemo shrink the beast ..... So been on chemo nearly a year... Last chemo was on Xmas eve... Carboplatin and GemCarb
Has anyone got similar story, or become platinum sensitive, would love your take on this and any reassurance to my poor body and mind ???