Hello, has anybody had experience of using gemcitabine with carboplatin for Platinum resistant recurrent cancer? I am now on my forth round of chemo, after having had taxol-carbo as front line treatment, followed by 6 months of remission (with bulking in between); followed by more taxol-carbo, that didn't work; followed by caelyx and surgery. Now the OV is back, after 6 more months of remission, and my oncologist has put me on dose-dense taxol-carbo, this seemed to work really week, the CA125 plummeted, but now, on round three they have started going up again, and the lymph node on my neck is growing again.
I'm feeling rather low, as we seem to be at the end of the line. She has suggested gemcitabine and carbo, what do you out there think? She will also try to get me an excemption so I can try Taxol and Avastin, but she's not hopeful.
Any advice would be very welcome!