Hi there
I am new to this, but was diagnosed July 2016 with Fallopian tube cancer. Went through hysterectomy after 3 rounds of carbo-Taxol then 3 more rounds. Now my cancer has gone to my lyphmnods in my back near vena cava. Has anyone else had this occur?> They are giving me Paxil-Calyx now and then I meet with surgeon and they may try to remove those tumours in my back. But I am nervous as its high risk surgery and worry about cancer spreading. I also have option of High powered cyber knife radiation to try to ablate the tumours. but again its a trial and risky of hitting nerves ect. Im very nervous as in beginning they told me I was a stage one and very lucky. I kept telling drs. I have terrible pain in my back and right leg...they told me it was regional pain syndrome,...even neurologists told me this......I knew my lymph nods were enlarged way back in 2015 but nobody did anything....told me they can do that when your celiac ect......leg/back got much worse and only became a bit better during chemo....pet showed they shrunk...but after chemo they enlarged and came back....so all along it was cancer....but nobody believed me...so frustrating as this could have all been dealt with long ago.....I have to decide surgery or high powered radiation......and possible more of this killer chemo that im not doing so well on.....I do not like when I hear onc. talk palliative or salvage with me....I told them I don't want to talk on those terms, it makes me feel dead already. I want a cure, I want these nods out of me now. They screwed up. They were not planning any follow-up other then every two months to do check up...they don't believe in tumour markers as reliable or doing runtime CT unless patient has new pain. I demanded all tests, Ultrasound, CT, MRI and CA125 everything showed clear except markers were rising steadily....so I asked for PET....the pet found the 5 tumours......so PET is the best way for detection as all else failed for me......if I was complacent I would have took drs, word for it, continued on in life, thinking I had regional pain syndrome like they kept telling me and my tumour markers were only high due to celiac and my auto immune disease....thank god im stubborn and persistent or this cancer could be all over. I still have a long road and not sure of outcome, but im still fighting hard and have big decisions to make. Im 53 never smoked or drank and im a hiker , outdoor girl, 2 grown boys and a great hubby that has been there for me constantly. Has anyone else had fallopian or ovarian cancer go to regional lymph nods near inferior vena cava?. Thank you for listening to my story.