Was told by my rhuemy nurse to get a pneumonia jab before I have my first trial of biologics. Asked my parents surgery they can't find any anywhere. Told my nurse she says there is a shortage of it.what to do? I am a little worried???
Pneumonia jab: Was told by my rhuemy nurse to get a... - NRAS
Pneumonia jab

Am in the same position, no pneumonia jabs available, (national shortage), so couldn't get it done before I started on new biologic today. The nurse who came out today to show me how to to do my weekly injection said not to have the pneumonia jab now I've started the biologic until I have asked my rheumatologist what to do. She seemed to think if it is a live vaccine there could be a problem as I am now already on the biologic. So I shall have to email my rheumy and see what she advises.
Try a Superdrug travel clinic. If you have a note from hospital it should be free for you.
Have a word with your loca chemist, for £10 I'd rather pay than not have it.
When I got mine at the end of last year I had to fight to be given it. My rheumy nurse told me to get it , obviously flu as well.
The nurse at my GP’s surgery said they only had three as there is a national shortage. She said it was for really compromised patients.
I said I would BE really compromised if I didnt have the jab as my immune system wouldnt protect me.
I stuck it out and she gave it to me finally, all the time grumbling.
Its not a live vaccine and Im on Benepali,
I had my pneumonia jab over 2 years ago
I caught pneumonia the following year
In my view it’s not very effective
Does it last indefinitely I had mine a few yrs ago I'm on benapali and it wasn't mentioned ?????
Yes I was told we only ever have 1. And I have had Pneumonia afterwards too , I think its like the flu vacine it does'nt work to totally stop the condition just minimse the effects, as I think might have died without it.