Not so long ago I wrote a post about being prescribed steroids and my fear of them.
I'll explain how I got to this point......I was diagnosed 4 years ago and after about 18 months of using the usual Salfa and MTX I was taken off them due to complications with my liver. After another 9 months waiting for funding I was put on Humira, then I was put on Enbrel, then Tocilimab and then finally Abatacept. All of theses drugs, with the exception of Tocilimub, worked either very, very well to moderate relief. I am sero negative too so that can make a difference to the drugs I can get/take.
So after all my trials and tribulations I now have no where else to turn. My lovely Dr David told me that there was nothing, at present, available for me to take except the dreaded steroids!!
My reluctance to take these drugs is two folded. I have had mental health difficulties, which are medicated and worked very well indeed for quite a few years now, steroids are NOT recommended for people with these kind of conditions. My second reason for not wanting to take them is because of the huge problem of weight gain. ow I want to say that I have struggled with my weight all my life and have yoyo'd up and down since I was a teenager. This has caused me huge problems with my self esteem and often lead to me becoming almost house bound. I'm not a vain woman and don't spend hours looking at myself in the mirror. I don't wear much make-up, in fact very little, I don't need to as I'm bless with very good skin and haven't shown my age ever. I recall being able to get on the bus for free when in fact I was a married woman with a child......its a genetic thing for which I am very greatful I have to say.
I'm waffeling on a bit but I hope I've explained myself clearly so that you can appreciate my reluctance to take steroids. Anyhow, I say my darlin Rheumy nurse, Bronagh, yesterday and she was great. She tried, like many, many other people in my lifetime, to instill into me that I'm not overweight and putting on half a stone or so won't make much difference to me......I lover her to bits but I just don't 'see' myself the way other do, I wish I did, life could have been so much easier for me if I had.
Bronagh told me that she couldn't make me take them but that i had to be aware that by not taking them I could be allowing skeletal damage. She said that if I do take a bad flare that I was to contact her right away and she would give me a steroid injection.
I'm writing this and I'm thinking of a neighbour of mine now deceased, who smoked all her life. She became very ill and had the very best of treatment and surgery to preserve her life. Within days of being released from hospital she was smoking again and died with in a few months. At the time I railed against this unfortunate woman for being so selfish and the waste of all the time, money and effort and how it should have been given to someone who 'really wanted to live'! Am I doing the same thing? God I hope I'm not being seen in the same vain.
I left Bronagh with the promise that when I get to the point where I can't take the pain and my pain relief is no longer working that I would take the dreaded steroids.......a compromise I thinkk and she seemed happy enough with that..........what do you think? Jean.
Flim, I really did go on a bit didn't I??????????????