I have been having severe physical symptoms from anxiety disorders, and I think it’s the e-cig worsening them, since I can’t seem to eat, laugh or sing without suffocating. None of this was that bad when I was still smoking normal cigarettes. Only worsened after I switched to an electronic cigarette,, so I would like to know if anyone had similar breathing issues, and felt a massive better difference after quitting vaping/smoking, etc??
Has anyone felt a massive difference in bre... - No Smoking Day
Has anyone felt a massive difference in breathing issues and other physical symptoms after quitting the use of e-cigs??

Hey SxufferingSxoul - I would suggest heading to your doctor as soon as possible with these symptoms as appear to be quite worrying especially not being able to eat and difficulty breathing.
I have no experience with vaping and stopped cold turkey but I imagine like cigarettes it can cause breathing problems. Anxiety and breathing issues would be a short term nicotine withdrawal as our lungs begin the gradual repair and recovery process.
One of my first noticeable welcome positives was how much my breathing improved when I stopped (I did cough up a lot of tar in the first few weeks but took it as a good sign that my lungs were clearing out).
Let us know how you get on with your doctor
Thank you for your response, today is my first day of not taking a single puff from my electronic cigarette. I have had these breathing issues for years, only worsened to the point I couldn’t eat, a few months ago. It’s strange because back when I smoked two packets of regular cigarettes, I could exercise, walk over 5km.. until I got an attack of all sorts of lung symptoms one day when I was going for a walk, I always kept an inhaler with me because of my anxiety disorder, but the inhaler didn’t make it better at all lol. I’m assuming it’s just anxiety making these symptoms worse than and less tolerable than they should be? I have gone to the emergency room multiple of times yet they have told my heart rate was perfect and my chest was clear. I went to the doctor today and she said there is no sign of asthma. I am only 16 and lung issues horrify me.
Well done on two fronts - not vaping today and making the best decision of your life to stop at your very young age of 16. That really is a huge thing on your side that you are stopping at the age and how you can enjoy your long life ahead of you. Initially the anxiety will be high when you first stop but avoiding caffeine and alcohol will ease this. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and get out for a bit of a walk daily to clear the head. Also, a trip to your local health food shop for herbal supplements and vitamins will help with these feelings.
Below pinned post is worth a read if not already done so:
Hi, thank you so much. I have noticed something though, which is feeling really upset and just missing the good old days where I used to smoke. I’m just remembering the first day I bought my vape and now it’s making me really sad. Is this normal? Did it happen to you when you tried to quit?
Hey SxufferingSxoul - I stopped smoking cold turkey and will be 4 years smoke free in September. That feeling of missing out, sadness and the form of mourning or grief I remember so vividly and is perfectly normal. Your brain is no longer getting the thousands of poisonous chemicals from nicotine and a cigarette and tricks your brain into happy thoughts. Have a read of the pinned post again that I attached yesterday as will help prepare you for what to expect with nicotine withdrawals. Knowledge is power!!
Are you on Day 2 not vaping?
The dizziness, slow heart rate and trouble breathing is giving me so much fear that I will die, (I do have health anxiety) ear pressure, heaviness in my head.. I have always had these symptoms and now they worsened. Yes this is day 2, I went to a general doctor, for my breathing issues today, she gave me pills for allergy, said there is no asthma. I asked about exercise-induced asthma and all she said was to stop being a worry wart and get gym classes as they really help with breathing issues.. but I am horrified of exercise. She checked my breathing with a stethoscope and requested a chest x-ray. The chest x-ray came back normal? Despite all the stinging pain, pins and needles in my throat and chest, intense tightness in chest, etc. I will have a look at the page that you sent me! Thanks.
Well done SxufferingSxoul on day 2 nicotine/vape free, at the end of tomorrow the nicotine will be out of your system and you will begin the mental battle of nicotine withdrawal. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and get out for a bit of a walk daily to clear the head. Also, a trip to your local health food shop for herbal supplements and vitamins will help with these feelings.