No energy after 4 months of quitting - - No Smoking Day

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No energy after 4 months of quitting -

bearnut profile image
bearnut2 Years Smoke Free
31 Replies

I quit smoking 4 months ago after smoking about 50 years at pack and half a day. I also retired over 2 months ago. I have NO energy. I have gained 15 pounds. I seem to be in a losing battle. I can't see losing weight when all I want to do is sleep. I am getting very discourage I need for this lack of energy to go away. I get up and think I am going to get something done but after I am up a hour or so I think this isn't what I want to do. What do I want to do is go back to sleep. I think retiring and stop smoking is not going well together. I repaired multi-functional copiers, so I was use to moving and carrying tool bags and vacuum sweepers (65 lbs) around all day. Now nothing.

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bearnut profile image
2 Years Smoke Free
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31 Replies

hi bearnut

perhaps a visit and a check up at doctors.

I found I had a thyroid problem and copd(boarder line)

smoking had covers it,sort off.

I went due to being tired and very low mood.

hopefully you will gain you independence do the things you want to do and the things you need to do.

you take care 😊

keep kicking 😎

bearnut profile image
bearnut2 Years Smoke Free in reply to

Thanks already was fighting thyroid problems for years before I quit.

in reply tobearnut

well definitely a check up bloods.

smoking does cover lots of things,

take care 😁

my tsh is 28, you need to get tests.

bearnut profile image
bearnut2 Years Smoke Free in reply to

I bounce from 0 to 8 on my test suppose to be like 3.5

bearnut profile image
bearnut2 Years Smoke Free in reply tobearnut

Thyroid reading once again not good. Came out 0.02. to low again. Going to doctor Mon. I already know what the out come will be. Change dose and wait and see.. No wonder I feel ucky.. I don't understand why it jumps around.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Huge welcome to our community bearnut and congratulations on 4 months smoke free, well done! Congrats on your retirement too. What a great achievement to be smoke free to enjoy it healthy and fit which does take time as it is a gradual process as our body and minds rewire, repair and recover.

Hidden is right, you need to go to your doctor just for a check up, you may be lacking in vitamins and need to build up your system, also adjusting is retirement life is a huge deal - maybe you could join some local community groups to get you out and about?

Post here as often you like if you just want a chat and a bit of motivation....

PS Can you confirm your exact stop date for your milestone badges?

bearnut profile image
bearnut2 Years Smoke Free in reply toRoisinO1

Oct 13th if I can find it LOL Thanks, I have Dr appointment already scheduled. Almost afraid to go with the flu being so bad in St. Louis, Mo

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply tobearnut

Are you from Missouri?

Yeah, the desperate flu is running rampant here in Ireland too....your over 100 days smoke free badge is on its way :)

bearnut profile image
bearnut2 Years Smoke Free in reply toRoisinO1

I am in Illinois but my Doctor is in Missouri. Which they say is the state with the most problems. 600 died so far I think and 38 children.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply tobearnut

55 have died here, less than 10 of them children and sadly a local woman in her late 40's that I know died from it :(

bearnut profile image
bearnut2 Years Smoke Free in reply toRoisinO1

It's awful. I did get a flu shot and I did get the flu but it only lasted 4 or 5 days. Good thing about it was I got off Chantix. I had the fever and did not feel like eating or care anything about smoking so I quit them. I guess it was worth it to get off of them. I took them before and they made me tired so at least I know that's not what is causing it.

Phobicmaniac profile image
Phobicmaniac2 Years Smoke Free

Welcome bearnut and well done on 4 months!

Yeah, maybe an MOT with the doctor is needed, it is huge what you are going through at the moment with adjusting to a smoke free life and retirement..

Let us know how you get on and post anytime :)

CocoaXChange profile image
CocoaXChangeValued Contributor

Congrats on 4 months bearnut. Some people sleep a great deal after quitting (I did for 2 months) and some people have insomnia. After smoking most of our lives, our bodies don't know what normal is. I think you are correct that the change is magnified because you also retired. You should mention that to your doc and explain both your work and current routine. Hopefully there is a cure that doesn't involve medication.

Are you near Waterloo, IL? I was there 35 years ago visiting a friend. Remember driving to St. Louis to see The Arch.

bearnut profile image
bearnut2 Years Smoke Free in reply toCocoaXChange

Yes, I am about 45 miles North of Waterloo, I'm only about 30 miles from the Arch. I have lived around here all my life and have never been up in the Arch. I retired from Xerox, repairing copiers and one of the most dreaded machines was right across from the Arch. There was no parking. I would have to park a block and a half away. Yes, when I think about it I started smoking at 13 so my body probably doesn't know what to think. Use to all those chemicals and now its flipping out. Just a little disheartening, I thought I would be feeling great by now and have all my housework done ready for spring. It hasn't happened so far. I think I am getting better I did nothing for the first month and half of retiring. I kept having a fear someone was going to tell me retirement is over get you butt back to work LOL. I do now at least get up and not watch TV all day.

CocoaXChange profile image
CocoaXChangeValued Contributor in reply tobearnut

It's good to stay away from all day TV, little good comes from that. Our bodies get conditioned to a routine. If there is something you've always wanted to try, or otherwise interested in, try that. Anything that you enjoy, and can focus on a few hours a day, may help you with your energy level.

I smoked 2 packs for 38 years and definitely had some of what you are experiencing. It's not just smoking, but any major change. I broke my heel a while back and felt low energy for a while because I could not run (I can still jog). Likewise I've been out of work for 3 months and I feel more tired. I'm busy enough, but I am not doing things I like to do and I want it to be over. And it's less structured (like retirement) than work was.

bearnut profile image
bearnut2 Years Smoke Free in reply toCocoaXChange


I hear you about routine. Since I retired I have no routine. I can't seem to find one. I keep telling myself after working 29 years I'm gonna do whatever I want so routine has not happened yet. Of course cold weather is not my favorite. I am like a bear I want to hibernate when its cold. Which does not make sense because I always worked in the winter going in and out of accounts in the ice and snow but valued my days off enough that I always saved them for warmer days. I am sure I will find one soon.

Once I get to the Doctor (Monday) and pick me up more vitamins and banana's hopefully I will have more energy to get up and go. I have fractured my ankle I don't know how many time and broke a bone in my foot but I can't image a broken heel. I image there's nothing but rest going to help that. Did you get the big boot? I did learn you must have a shoe of the same height when you wear that boot or your back will go out..

At least we are smoke free so it's bound to only get better.

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Bearnut...when I quit I was also on the edge of the cliff where you are right now....Until a little fairy nurse from Down Under introduced me to the true facts of what is happening when we stop to smoke after a lifetime abusing our body and brain....

Nicotine Hijacked our happy chemical receptors and makes us believe we can only be happy when we smoke...Thus every time we lit up our brain released dopamine (The Happy Chemical) and we felt relaxed and happy... You have lost all your happiness (work and smoking) at once which is a huge shock for your brain which can not release dopamine on it's own anymore...It is a chemical war in your brain and you need to supplement to help the "old" brain to function normal again after 50 years smoking...

Therefore by not doing what you enjoyed your whole life (Work and smoke) no Dopamine is released and you feel total ''Blah"

I can recommend to go to a good pharmacist and request herbal supplements to get the dopamine flowing and that brain going again...You must take some extra Vitamins... Fruits like Bananas and Hazel nuts has got some natural ingredients but you will need to eat a ton to get the correct amount of Serotonin and Dopamine needed. Green tea is a good one...!

Continue to excursive as if you were working, walk a lot and if push comes to shuffle carry a half bag of cement around as if it was your vacuum machine...!

(This will also help with a bit of weigh loss)

Truly Bearnut, without supplements you will sink in a very dark hole and might end up depressed...and you don't want to be there.!!

I am not a medical professional but and ordinary Banana Farmer in Africa who stopped smoking 2 and half years ago and truly rediscovered life the way it should be...And I supplemented with over the counter herbal supplements !!!

PS. and I am also on pension age but hope to work for another 100 years or so...!!

bearnut profile image
bearnut2 Years Smoke Free in reply toHercu


I can believe this. I have already fallen into the dark hole.

I had just about gave up ever thinking I would ever feel normal again. I thought this morning I can not be the only one who has no energy after being off cigarettes for 4 months. Most people aren't stupid enough to have stayed on them for 50 years like me or smoke a pack and a half every day.

I was beginning to think I must have cancer or something really bad to be so out of it. I had read about getting some supplements on here or some place today. I do take heavy every day vitamins but place I seen to look for some Red Energy Supplement from Walmart and something called Moringa. I am to the point I am ready to try anything.

I have gained 15 pounds from laying around and being so miserable I was actually beginning to think if I don't find an answer to this I may have to start smoking again... I can't believe I even admitted that.

Are you really a banana farmer? Funny you mentioned banana's I have ate more banana's in the last few weeks then I have in 6 months and hazel nuts are my favorite nut. I could live on those 2 things.

Thank you so much this is what I needed. Every time I would look up stop smoking I would see people who had smoked 10 cigs. a day for 5 years..... There is no comparison to pack and half a day for 50... I realized today my body and brain are confused. How could they not be after 50 years of absorbing all those chemicals and now they are gone. I can't think straight which I am sure its from that also.

Thanks again.

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply tobearnut

Bearnut..I know I smoked 38 years 60 a day...I was chaining it lately... !! We totally rewired our brains...can it be reversed ? nobody could tell up to now...!!

I truly do not know if I would have made it without those supplements and Chocolates...Lucky not to have a weight problem but walking at least 5-10 km per day on the farm..!

Yes, I am farming Bananas In Mozambique...500 Hectares...Luckely I get my Bananas free and my vitamine D (Sunshine)

bearnut profile image
bearnut2 Years Smoke Free in reply toHercu

this is unbelievable I found this article that's 11 years old on here:

nsd_user663_1767nsd_user663_1767 11 years ago 3 Replies

An artical about bananas in a magazine I was reading say's:

Think you have tried everything to help you stop smoking?

Think again. Bananas contain high levels of vitamins C. A1. B6 and B12

as well as potassium and magnesium, which can all help the body recover

from the effects of nicotine withdrawal

Don't know if it works: Sue

People do grow banana trees around here every summer but I never actually see banana's on any of them so I guess me growing my own isn't gonna happen.

I'm going for a ton of banana's and nuts tomorrow. Plus what ever else I can find. I go to doctor next week so he can come up with something I am sure.

I got this now... I don't need or want cigarettes all I want is my energy back.


CocoaXChange profile image
CocoaXChangeValued Contributor in reply toHercu

Have you through about marketing Hercu's Healthy Banana Remedy?

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply toCocoaXChange

Good idea CocoaXChange :D See you are out of work too (if I remember correctly, you were made redundant) I just counted up there and it is 18 months since I was made redundant and almost 9 months since I finished my Professional Cookery course, unfortunately still no word on my start date as a chef in my local hospital, very frustrating and disappointing as ready to get back working again and get some sort of structure as you well said and routine back - keeping busy too and getting bits and pieces done while I have the chance, baking my breads for my weekly order, its just the waiting and my patience is wearing thin....want to get out meeting people again, holding on to my granny's famous phrase 'all good things come to those who wait'....

CocoaXChange profile image
CocoaXChangeValued Contributor in reply toRoisinO1

It's important to stay positive. I tell others that you only need one job, not like you a dozen. But it's easier to give advice to other people.

I plan to stay where I've always been (banking-finance). The Internet has made the search more impersonal. It's so easy to apply, that companies get thousands of applications, so filtering software screens people based on self-reported LinkedIn skills. And I think people are generally busier and more stressed today, that it is hard to speak with someone. But your granny is correct.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply toCocoaXChange

Thanks CocoaXChange - just having one of those days, I here ya with the job searching, it is much more complicated from when I got my job in Insurance 22 years ago - it was all about who you know, now in the hospitality sector, its all about experience and not having time or want to invest in training you up as they are so busy, just need to be given a chance and get my foot in the door...

Wishing you the best that you find a new job soon :)

bearnut profile image
bearnut2 Years Smoke Free in reply toCocoaXChange

Hey, Do you think his banana's make it to Illinois?? If finding the right vitamins cure my no energy I'll stay on banana's too.... Hercu was very helpful. I was about to cave in and go back to smoking just to see if I got my energy back.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply tobearnut

Hercu was my savior too back over 2 years ago, I posted for the first time here on Day 8 as was pulling my hair out with frustration and irritability, his words of wisdom and reassurance were vital to me and will be forever grateful.

Definitely try the bananas :P

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply toRoisinO1

Thank you Roisin..I am delighted and honored. Just bring us back to the reason why we are placed on this lovely planet...To cultivate and reap the fruits it can produce and help and be kind to our fellow humans....

Here we are worlds apart...North, South, West and East and yet we can give encouragement and advice to each other....

This is the blue print for an excellent site....!

bearnut profile image
bearnut2 Years Smoke Free in reply toHercu

this "Here we are worlds apart...North, South, West and East and yet we can give encouragement and advice to each other...." remind me of my friend who lived in Arizona and was wanting to move back to Illinois. She asked me to keep an eye out for house's for sale that they maybe interested in. I told her she could get on the internet and read the locate paper. She said does it come this far. LOL

Exsmo profile image
Exsmo in reply toHercu

RoisinO1 can we say favorite/best post? What a tribute! If all family could support like this, the world would be a much nicer place. God bless you both Hercu . You shine man.

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply toExsmo

Thx.... Apreciated

bearnut profile image
bearnut2 Years Smoke Free

Oh I am - I use to make up shakes with frozen banana's, yogurt, peanut butter, flex seed power, protein powder, and milk. I'm going back to that. It was so good. I think I added up the calories one time and it was like 1300. I was drinking 3 a day and still lost weight. :P

Thanks for the help. You all have my sympathy on job searching. I never realized how stress my job made me until I got out of it. Life is so much more peaceful. People in those offices with the multi functional copiers flipped out when they went out. Which I couldn't blame them but I couldn't help them going down sometime either but they never wanted to hear that they just wanted them fixed. Xerox wouldn't let you carry the parts you needed they would tell you what you could carry unfortunately they usually was not the parts you needed. DID I SAY HOW HAPPY I AM TO BE RETIRED...... LOL

Thanks for the help.

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