25 a day since 1984. None today, patch in place and mouth spray at the ready if required. So far so good. I’m just awaiting the first big crave. :-0
Day 1: 25 a day since 1984. None today, patch... - No Smoking Day
Day 1

Good luck Wellsyboy, I've been smoking since 1982, I was 13! I'm now on day 6 smoke free using Champix
Thanks. Just had the first major crave after 10 hrs and sprayed it into touch with the Nicorette oral spray. Seemed to work!

Hi Wellsyboy. I smoked lots and lots of smokes forever too and I'm also on the patch. My new method — which is working — is that when that big crave comes, I just put up with it. It's just a feeling, physical and mental, I just wait for it to pack off. Not sure if this is helpful. But Im kind of amazed how this attitude has helped. We must be close in age, which means we've lived though lots of stuff. We are tough! Good luck!
15- 20 a day. Since 1988. Changed 5 years ago to Menthol.
I’m only using vape for strong cravings.
Chewing gum extra to keep me from not thinking about it.x

Welcome Wellsyboy , congratulations on Day 1 and beginning the best journey of your life to new found health and happiness. 👏👍🌞
As Skyelady advised, please be VERY careful with the nicorette oral spray as it is highly addictive - see below pinned posts from a member a couple of days ago and a member from last year.
You appear to have a great positive mindset which will be the secret to your success, looking forward to reading your progress

It’s day 2 now 0125 in the morning. I should be fast asleep but I guess this is to be expected with the NRT?
Hey Wellsyboy - sleep disruption is a common nicotine withdrawal but also can be caused by NRT side effects too (both very similar). Avoid caffeine, alcohol and drink plenty of water throughout the day. Also, get some herbal/vitamin supplements to help with these side effects.
Below is a pinned post to common nicotine withdrawals worth a read if not already done so:
How is the rest of day 2 going for you?
Thanks. It was a tricky start to the day, but shaky but again the spray worked in holding back the worst. Still going great guns despite being tired. Early night tonight methinks. 👍
Good for you Wellsyboy , well done! Yeah, early nights is a must in the early days/weeks, can't smoke in your sleep (maybe dream about it though!!!).
Again, just be careful with the spray, you don't want to fall down the road of replacing one addiction for another as seems to happen with the spray.....
Thanks again. Yes, I’m hoping tonight will be a little more peaceful. I remember those vivid dreams from the last time I tried this thirty years ago. Thanks for your support again, feel really strong now. No surrender! 😄👍
How is day 3 going for you Wellsyboy ?
Fine thanks. It was a little tricky this morning post breakfast and took a good hour or so to to calm the cravings. I was glad of the opportunity to go outside for a walk this afternoon and for at least an hour, I’d actually forgotten about it! - pretty amazing for day 3!
Thanks for your question and support, it’s great not to feel alone in all this. 👍 x

Still at it. Getting easier with still only 6 days under my belt. Better sleep last night which was a big help.

1 month smoke free Wellsyboy , how are you getting on? You still using the patches and spray?
Awesome thanks! Yes, entering week 5 on the patches and going great guns. Still using spray 8 or so times a day but getting much longer periods not even thinking about it. Very happy and looking forward to Gran Canaria in 2 weeks time.
Good to read Wellsyboy - be careful with the patches and the spray as could potentially overdose on the nicotine.
Oh lucky you heading off to the sun, enjoy and be ready to attack at all times not to relapse as your first holiday smoke free can be extremely tough especially so early on in your journey 🏖⛱🏝🏜