I've tried to give up smoking so many times and found it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, so convinced myself if I had a couple of cigs it's ok I'll just go back to giving up tomorrow. I realise how pathetic that sounds when I write it down!! Anyway here goes again, reading ther people's posts has inspired me to do it for good this time!
Day 1 again!!!: I've tried to give up smoking... - No Smoking Day
Day 1 again!!!
Welcome to the forum.
It doesn't sound pathetic at all, quite normal I think. I've also been there thinking you can control the ciggies but they are demons! Only they have control unfortunately, regardless of what we allow ourselves to believe. I've had quite a few failed quits in the past because of that reason but am learning all the time.
Good luck with your journey. Are you using NRT or cold turkey quit? You will find loads of advice on this site and everyone is extremely helpful whenever you need them.

Hello Sarah,
Welcome to the forum, keep posting, and let us know how you're getting on.
It doesn't sound pathetic, have done the same thing myself plenty of times and it always ended up with the same result! If you keep trying you will get there.

Welcome Hidden
Not pathetic at all.... Good luck on your journey. Stay close to this forum and keep posting. There is always someone around if you need to talk. Remember to read all you can to help with your quit
Thanks Wanda and good advice. Reading around not smoking does seem to help.

Hello & welcome.
My last relapse (am on number 3) happened for more or less the same reason. I was doing really well and then, at Christmas I thought one puff would not hurt. Then it was 1 fag....closely followed by another. Within the space of quite literally, hours, I was back smoking at full speed.
I thought it would be fine but of course it was not. Sadly, it never is.
Well done for giving this another go. Stick with it and you will succeed. 😀
Thanks mushen, you're right has to be all or nothing no inbetweens!!

Huge welcome to our community Sarah, congratulations on Day 1 and never giving up quitting! You seem to be in a great frame of mind and learned from your mistakes in previous quits which is what it is all about.
I quit cold turkey and will be 1 year smoke free tomorrow. It has been tough but worth every bit of it to be reaching this milestone as I have a new lease of life smoke free....you can do this, with 100% desire, determination and focus. Knowledge is also powerful so continue to read up as much as you can on addiction and quitting.
We look forward to reading your progress
Thanks roisin, 1 year is really great. Congratulations!! 😄😄 and thanks for the badge! 😇

I think the 'one won't hurt' is very common and certainly nothing to feel bad about. I remember it happening to me, many years ago, whilst on holiday abroad and in holiday mode! I felt thoroughly ashamed and became a closet smoker. It happened again before my last (and final) quit. Hadn't smoked for about 15 yrs - and all it took was that one cigarette and I became a closet smoker again. Only smoked in my garage and wouldn't admit to being a smoker again as I felt so ashamed. Now 18 months in to my quit. Even now I occasionally long for that first one of the morning,with my coffee. Only fleeting, though. I have posted previously about experience in hospital with smokers and the effect it had on their recovery. Apart from anything else, I now don't know how I afforded all those cigarettes every month. Good luck with your quit. Feel proud.
Great to hear from you Chickweed1 ......
Thank you Roisin - just out of hospital following 3rd emergency operation. Can hardly believe what's happened to me this year!
ah god love you Chickweed1 , you are having it tough, wishing you a speedy and full recovery I am joining ye in the penthouse today - 1 year quit, very proud and happy!
Welcome, Roisin, it's good in here. We need to celebrate: perhaps I'll make wraps and chips for us later! You bring something with bubbles.
Cheers, penthouse party over here, good crowd going, introduce yourself to the gang....
Thanks chickweed, I'm trying this time to take it one day at a time instead of thinking of not smoking forever. I think that'll help me, although even one day seems like an eternity at the mo!!Well done on your eighteen months that's great. Hopefully in 18 months I'll be saying the same. 😊
I think your attitude is the right one, Sarah. Not sure whether you've seen other posts of mine: I marked every day on a calendar. I put how many days and how much saved. In fact, to begin with I marked every hour, together with total number of cigarettes I hadn't smoked! I found this site absolutely invaluable. People are here to encourage but also to vent to when the going gets tough. We all know just how difficult it is. Only people who have never smoked don't understand the terrible temptation to light up. Keep going.