Hey guys how are you all? Now we're in November I'm planning for Christmas. I had a quick question. I isnstill coughing up brown and black specks of tar. Mind you this is much less than last week and week before. I officially quit the habit on the 1sr of October and have remained smoke free. I have vaped here and there to ease ant cravings especially when stressed. I am proud to say I haven't even had so much as one puff since the 1st. How long did it it take you to stop coughing up tar. It's now just specks of brown and every now and then black. (I have had it confirmed by 2 Drs that the black is tar). I just want to stop coughing up the tar as each time i begin thinking the worst lol. Hope you're all well.
Coughing up tar still. : Hey guys how are you... - No Smoking Day
Coughing up tar still.

Hey Shinyemily , everyone is different in what they experience, some don't cough up anything. I coughed up loads for I would say approximately 3 months. No black stuff just the brown specks with the mucus. Definitely the raw honey every morning and night will help with clearing out the lungs. Plenty of water and some exercise daily. Take it as a good sign that your body is getting rid of the toxins 😊🚭
I think the black tar is quite unusual but been confirmed twice it's just tar. I guess it's different for everyone. Hoping it all passes soon. 3 month's doesn't sound so bad. Ill try the honey
If it does get worse or not improve head back to your doctor as may have an infection 😊
How is things now Shinyemily - any improvement?
Hey yes much improvement thank you. I haven't coughed up tar in a few days so I guess that's that myanxiety is still there though sadly and I keep getting pain in my ribs and chest which I think is linked to anxiety. I can't seem to catch a break lol xx
Good to read the tar has settled down, again, if the chest/rib pain gets worse, head to your doctor. Chest pain should not be ignored
Absolutely. I have told myself if it's not gone tomorrow or it gets worse I'll see an emergency Dr. I personally think it may just be heartburn or anxiety related but can't always chance things

It was a few months for me also. In addition to honey, water helps many things.

Something that I never did, but lemon juice in a hot water drink helps breaks down phlegm and will help push it out too.
Good luck