Hello all! Hope this finds you well
So, I'm 45 today!
Last August I began a journey to change my life, as if it hadn't changed enough! This time, I am in control of the changes. I have been a bit of a rebel in my time, and, on the odd occasion I still am! I gave up drinking to excess a long while ago after living with an alcoholic for ten years. It almost broke me but I found the strength to leave and the biggest surprise of my life, had a fling and got pregnant! Unfortunately, the relationship didn't work out but it left me with the greatest gift of my son.
Been through many ups and downs since but that's by the by...
Last August I decided I wanted to quit smoking after decades of indulging and believing I was a 'rebel' and putting two fingers up to the world... what a blinding idiot!!
I dropped a cigarette at a time and allowed myself to mourn each one before dropping another. I changed my diet, got rid of the first boyfriend I'd had since separating from my sons dad over four years ago (he was cheating), I changed everything....
39 days ago I smoked my last cigarette, I miss neither the smokes nor the cheating boyfriend.
I've given myself the best birthday gift ever...
Thank you so much you lovely tag team support network for being incredible strangers, and now friends on this part of my life's journey!!!
Eating pizza, drinking wine and celebrating living xxxx you're all amazing, and I'm a rambling old sod!!! ❤️