Nearly 3 weeks. Not well but proud - No Smoking Day

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Nearly 3 weeks. Not well but proud

laura6 profile image
laura61 Year Smoke Free
β€’13 Replies

So cruising along nicely. Dont want to jinx it or sound big headed but not one crave or want . I reckon its because I have tried at least twice a year for the last five. With every different method possible. Champix being the easiest for me. So have lots of experiences and mistakes to draw on in this quit. But more importantly I want to quit. I dont want to keep going round in circles. I have two choices smoke for the rest of my life or stop now. Im choosing the latter. I keep telling my brain that everyday.

On a negative note my throat is killing me and my nose is completely blocked. It must be quitters flu as no one else I know is ill.

I have been smoking over thirty years so I guess I will feel ill and it will be tough at times. But the benefits I have already reaped override any negativity.


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laura6 profile image
1 Year Smoke Free
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13 Replies
Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor

Well done laura6 You don't sound big headed at all! it's always best to celebrate these things I find. Hope you're feeling better soon and can start reaping more benefits.

I'm seriously ill with manflu. I'm battling through the suffering though; too much to do to let this debilitating disease stop me getting on with things. And I'm also scared of my wife so I have to do my chores or she'll kill me.

laura6 profile image
laura61 Year Smoke Free in reply to Nozmo

I know I should celebrate but I feel guilty if other people are struggling. MAN FLU😀 that word is banned in my house. Hubby says it he gets double chores πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. He gets sympathy if his temp goes upto 40 degrees and can fill a 2 litre jug with snot, then I know he is ill 😲😲. I know it sounds harsh but I have to take a second mortgage out in the winter to cover all the potions he buys just cause he sneezed once 😷

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to laura6

Ha ha! I love the response we get!

I'm off to take one of the rabbits to the vet, with two bits of toilet paper stuck up my nose, for when I'm driving.

laura6 profile image
laura61 Year Smoke Free in reply to Nozmo

It cause your all the same bless ya. 😜

Oh hope the bunny is ok ?

That peacock showing as my profile picture was my latest mission last week. It was in the playground I took my grandson to. I found a park keeper as I was concerned about its welfare. He said nothing he could do just leave it. I did try to grab it but then 20 feet of feathers appeared. So hopefully it could hold its own and survive.

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to laura6

The rabbit (Beryl) has an infected tearduct - really red and painful looking. She's had an antibiotic injection and we have some eye drops to put in for a few days. Forty quid that cost me! And now she's in a proper huff and won't even eat a piece of banana (her favourite food). That's the thanks I get :-)

So is the Peacock living "wild" in the park? You would think it must have escaped from somewhere and somebody would be looking for it. Hope it's OK, especially in this cold snap we're having.

laura6 profile image
laura61 Year Smoke Free in reply to Nozmo

Vet fees are so over the top. Glad she is on the mend. I dont know where the peacock came from. There are some big houses that back onto the park so it could of escaped.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Hey laura6 , congratulations on 3 weeks, well done, don't feel guilty about not having cravings, know lots that just sail through their journeys.

I am just getting over a dose I had all week, definitely could have filled up a 2 litre jug of snot (tmi!!) and my throat felt like I was swallowing nails especially first thing in the morning.....

But I now have to endure my husband as he also woke up 'seriously ill' this morning Nozmo - here is my customary prescription again for all our man flu patients worth getting as soon as possible and works a treat IF you adhere to it correctly :D

laura6 profile image
laura61 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Thank you Honey. Sorry to hear your unwell too. If you are anything like me you carry on as normal πŸ’ͺnot like our hubbies 😩 they milk it like a child. You gotta love them πŸ’—

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to laura6

Correct link now below, yeah, have to carry on regardless :)

laura6 profile image
laura61 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Haha brilliant. Love it πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to RoisinO1 Roisin. Suffering badly.......cough........sniff. Need beer.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Nozmo

Good auld Powers hot whiskey is what ya need - my recipe - nagan of the whiskey, half a teaspoon of boiling water, slice of lemon, 3 gloves and a teaspoon of brown sugar, mix and drink down all at once in a pint glass, alternative is to use PoitΓ­n and follow the same steps - will sort ya out in no time :D

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to RoisinO1

Sounds lovely! It will have to be four cans of Stella Artois tonight but I will try that next time.

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