Well had a car accident today, my car is written off but me and my daughter are ok. Guess what..???? I didn’t go and buy cigarettes, I came home and made a full roast dinner 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Omg..!!: Well had a car accident today, my... - No Smoking Day

Hey Monica1969 , thank god yourself and your daughter are ok! Well done on dealing with a very stressful and scary ordeal smoke free 🚭👏
Take it easy tonight and for the next few days as likely to experience a delayed reaction and sore...

Glad you are all OK. Get some rest. If tomorrow you or your girl has any soreness have it looked at.

How are you and your daughter feeling today Monica1969 ?

Well we are starting to feel much better, thank goodness.
Maybe it’s the thought of Zante next Thursday 😃☀️🍸
So pleased you stayed strong and you and your daughter are well! Good news all round, take care 💛
Hope you’re doing ok hun x
21 days Monica! I find it very hard no very very hard, but staying strong! NOPE, learning new ways of coping, went on the 7mg patch for a week and now cold turkey, struggle emotionally but giving up after 35 years, there has to be some sadness and grief! Do love being a non smoker though! 💖💖💖 this forum has been a rock of support! Thank you for asking xx ps have a great holiday!!!!
Oh I so understand hun, I loved smoking just didn’t like other things that went with it.
I’ve made myself a promise, I’ve not given up completely, I’m going to start again on my 85th birthday if I get there lol, so another 37years to go till my next cig 🤗
You’re doing fab, do anything that works for you. Whereabouts are you? x
I like your idea! I’ll join you on that 85th birthday! I could do that 💛💛💛😂😂😂 I’m in Melbourne Australia so a world away! But love reading your posts very much! Thank you xx
Oh so not that easy to nip for a vodka or two then 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 although I’d rather be there than here in the UK.
I’m glad I keep you smiling, please don’t be hard on yourself, WE are doing ace 💪💪💪💪 xx
Aww dam on the quick vodka!!! I was very proud of myself on the weekend, first time drinking and never had a ciggie!!!! Woo hoo! And yes there were a couple of vodka martini’s!! 😂😂😂
That is so amazing. My biggest worry is some super stressor will have me lighting up again. Glad to hear you made it through ok and without a puff! Congratulations 🏆