At 8 weeks quit, i cut 1 1mg tablet in half and took other 1mg equal to 1.5mg. My system may not have taken well to uncoated meds so i only did this a few days and cut back to one 1mg tablet a day. I then got prescription for .5mg tablet and took 2x a day to equal 1mg a day then one .5 mg. At or around 10weeks i had gone 3days with no chantix and was beginning to feel better. After reading a quit site where a man had gone off too soon and @5days off champix he bought & smoked a whole pack of cigarettes, i got scared. Began .5mg again trying to stay on tablets for recommended 12 weeks. I honestly felt better off them, but would rather protect this quit than go through all this and fail by not following instructions. Due to a rare disorder i cannot tell if increasing symptoms are a result of It or the chantix itself. Am very thankful for what it has helped me do. Nearing 12 weeks i have .5mg Rx refill and will be going off it either on the 23rd or after the first of the year. Am now taking .5mg every other day. Today i hurriedly rolled down my car window when next to a car with a lady smoking in it😳😥I have NO idea why. My lungs are just beginning to clear and am very happy about that. I do not want to smoke ever, but that rebellious teenager that lived in me long ago is rearing her ugly head perhaps. I will be back on .5mg daily for a bit longer i think. Any suggestions or others who have done anything so silly as my rolling window down to catch some smoke? Still cannot believe i did that! Circumstamces were i missed Synagogue's Hanukkah party today bc i have been feeling beyond bad & am very disappointed to miss it.
Nearing 12 weeks quit & weaning off champix... - No Smoking Day
Nearing 12 weeks quit & weaning off champix chantix experience

As long as your nicotine receptors have died off you shouldnt have any physical withdrawals after coming off champix. They say 12 weeks as that is when they should be dormant and you have got the habit mostly under control. You might be over thinking it. Have confidence in yourself. You have done all the hard working
Excellent reply Laura!
As I advised previously Exsmo - YOU are doing the hard work, champix is just taking the edge of the cravings, continue to take the full course for the 12 weeks if you can.
Everyones journey is unique to them, try not to over think it, have faith in yourself.
As Hercu previously advised too, stock up on vitamin supplements for when you stop the champix. Keep busy and lots and lots of water and deep breathing. Try to get out and about in the fresh air too, it does wonders to clear the head... below is a link to a post by Hercu on Champix worth a read if not already done so....
Also, give yourself more credit, this is/will be the best achievement and you are doing fantastic to be almost 3 months smoke free
Thank you RoisonO1 am so sick I can't go anywhere, hence missing party. Really appreciate your advice. Am taking supplements and they do help. May be my disorder making things bad who knows. Beig rare Drs don't know either.
hee laura are you still notsmoking ?
Very odd question??? You ok miranda45 ?
Indeed Im am. Nearly a month. Feeling much better now had a couple of dig in deep days. How are you miranda45 ?
i am ok ......... also not smking still and hope to keep it that way .....