What a year I'm having. I lost my car 4 weeks ago and now I lost my job. I am a freelance proofreader and most of my work came from a particular company. I found out last night that the company has outsourced the work to Pakistan effective August 1st. Thanks for the heads up guys. I live in a village so without a car it's going to be hard getting a job and I just spent a bunch of money paying off a chunk of the mortgage to get my monthly repayments down. They say trouble comes in threes but this is getting ridiculous. Is any time a good time to give up smoking? I would say this time for me is most definitely not. But hey, the last thing I need right now is to waste money on cigarettes – so I won't. Screw you Marlboro, Golden Virginia, Drum, Silk Cut, Lambert & Butler, Players, Goulois, Gitaines, .... (cough, cough!)
Is any time a good time to give up? - No Smoking Day
Is any time a good time to give up?

Bob..Yes..That cigarette can't change a thing except to waste your money as you said...Daily mishaps come and go but our health and own happines is for keeps...Wish you all the strenght and believe you will find a way out of this crisis..Strongs !!
Good stuff, turning things around.

Hidden It's great that you knew that somking a cigarette won't solve any of your problems, and from the bottom of my hear I wish you good luck with your next job soon. Just stay strong 💪 👍
Thanks matey. Interview tomorrow and no fags!

Hidden , wow. Sorry to hear this news. I know I can't speak for anyone but myself but find comfort in knowing 'we've' all had something traumatic happen in our lives at some point early in our quits. For me it was a huge investigation. I'm not going to get into details but it was scary and frustrating. Smoking will not change what is happening to you. It won't make you feel better but it will be an expense that doesn't have to be there. Stay strong, find an outlet for your sadness, just don't smoke.
Thanks putts. I'm winning.
Thanks everyone. Interview tomorrow at 10.30 and not one ciggy smoked.

Sorry to hear that Bobb, if you can get through times like these when you're doing OK. I don't think there is ever a good time to give up but some times are definitely worse than others.
Those are some high class cigarettes you mention there. They would have been out of my league when I smoked. I always went for the cheapest tabs in the shop because I'm a miser
Good luck with the interview tomorrow, let us know how it went.
Yes, my favourite was Lambert & Butler. I actually bought a pack back in the day from a dispensing machine outside their head office in Park Lane. A long time ago. I thought I owned London with that packet.

Hey Bob, sorry to hear about your job loss and the car loss too - I know the feeling - it was a year ago last week I found out I was being made redundant after being in the same job for just over 20 years. It was very difficult not to reach for a cigarette but got through it and many more difficult situations in my 21 months quit and you will too, wishing you strength to get through this and best of luck with the interview tomorrow (hopefully it goes better than mine
With regards your question 'is there ever a good time quit' think you should rephrase it as I firmly believe any time is a good time to quit...
Let us know how you get on

Good luck on your interview!
Amongst all the other 'noise', stopping smoking is something within your control (saving the cash is a great byproduct).
All the best for the interview - may your luck turn around soon.