I will be 8 months quit on 6th feb and still going strong hardly ever think about smoking anymore its great. My minds taken up with kids, clean eating , power lifting and curcuit training which i took up a month into my quit originally to help clear my chest but its addictive. Its all good. Keep up the good work everyone and those just starting your journey push on though. It is hard but so worth it. Only downside is you smell everything and some things you wish you couldn't 😂
8 months on 6th feb: I will be 8 months quit... - No Smoking Day
8 months on 6th feb

Congrats! Sounds like you have done well with a plan. I wont be 8 months for awhile yet but its nice to hear the bennies will be better as the days go.

Well done on the 8 months melsamoo - you are doing great I hear ya with the unwanted smells since stopping!!
I second that Roisin. Some things are better left un-smelt...oh my goodness.

😵 I don't want to know. Sorry .. oh hum. 8 months is greAT 🚭

I envy your fitness determination..was you doing excercise before you quit ?
I’m close to 6 months now ..I struggle to get motivated now , I was always doing something , be it cleaning the cars , working in the garden , doing things around the house ..
I just look at these things now and that’s it ... I need a rocket 🚀 up my backside !

No i pretty much done nothing. A month into my quit i was struggling with my chest i went to the gym as i read exercise helps and i figured if i paid for membership i would go so i don't waste the money. A month after that my curiosity of the weight section got the better of me and ive been hooked ever since. Your body releases endorphins that last way longer than a cig. Im strong fit and healthy. And my 15 year old son has started eating better and has encouraged his mates to go for a run at weekends and low weight training at home and school. I would highly recommend it. Its a bit intimidating when you first start but you soon get into the swing of it.

Cheers ..I need to do something , doing shift work doesn’t help , plus my job has changed , so being less active as it used to be .. now less physical ..all these are factors I guess , plus given up smoking makes things worse ...
I’m an older dad ...my son is nearly 9 ..so he does keep me on my toes lol ..
I’m still Not sure I’m fully recovered from the pneumonia .. 9 /10 I’m fine then my chest feels weird , not breathless but sometimes you noticed your trying to catch it ..never had that when I smoked ! Unless it’s scarring ...🙄 does feel clear though ..

It may be a bit of both. Took a while for me to realise how much air i could take in and how much my lungs were restricted before it made me panic and catch my breath i still get that on occasions. Maybe a trip to the doc and start with a nice walk even if its just to the supermarket. Maybe some footie with your son. And work your way up. Fill some bottles with water or use some tins and use them for light weights and see how many you can do in a minute this can be done at as slow pace and doesn't need to be strenuous. We all heal at different speeds some seem to hardly be affected and ive read some people well into a year. I smoked for 20 years so i guess 8 months is not a lot in the grand scheme of things. I made alot of friends at my gym and my oldest gym buddy is 93