Can't believe it's now 5 months since I quit. The first month seemed to drag but the rest have flown by. I have more good days than bad now, still think about smoking now and then but I think it's more nostalgic than craves. How we glorify smoking, see it as a friend when it's our enemy, such a hold it has on us, but it also feels so good to be free.
5 months: Can't believe it's now 5 months... - No Smoking Day
5 months

I agree it's been 5 months for me as well it does feel good to be free keeping strong

And no matter how many people told us this before we quit, it never sunk in. At least with me.

Jean Congrats...Amazing journey and the more good days becomes a lot more and the bad days becomes few as the months go by...You nailed this one...!!!

Great post Jean, well done on 5 months that is some achievement and nearly half way there to the Penthouse

Belated congratulations on getting to five months Jean...brilliant stuff!

Hey Abuelajeannie and Lucy1255 , how are ye both keeping?

Things have been a little stressful which has made me want to smoke but I haven't and won't I know it wouldn't help.......just having a crapy day 😕😕😕😕😕

Thanks so much yes things are getting better,hope your well

Jean, sorry to take so long to comment - congratulations. Our quit dates are very similar and I think that we are both racing towards 6 months. Like you I am feeling really good and so much better than early in my quit