Day 8 Champix: Hi just me again!! I have a... - No Smoking Day

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Day 8 Champix

Stacey48 profile image
Stacey489 Months Smoke Free
34 Replies

Hi just me again!! I have a question for the champix people. On what day did you quit? I ask because I still don’t have any effects of not wanting to smoke or loosing desire to. I know you have to want to give up too which I do but I thought the tablets might have an effect by now?! Maybe I need a few more days.

I did set my quit day to day 14 but my leaflet also says I can go up to day 35. I really want this to be a successful quit and some people on the interernet say keep smoking until you are feeling the lack of desire so you don’t give up too early and fail. That makes sense to me.

I am also only taking 1mg tablet in the evening as I am concerned that 2mg will be too much for me as I am quite tiny at 55kg and 5 feet 7 inches. But then I wonder if I should take the 2 tablets as it might have more effect!!! Not sure what to do!

Any thoughts?

Many Thanks

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Stacey48 profile image
9 Months Smoke Free
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34 Replies

Hi Stacey .I remember doctor recomended me cutting the pill , and taking half pill in the am and half at night but I’m honestly not sure if I did this for the first two weeks , or just the first .

My quit day was the 28th day ..but as I mentioned before , I reduced from 15 a day to almost 5 cigs per week .the last days I was smoking only one a day . Until zero .

You will start feeling insatisfacción first and then just bad tasting but make sure you reduce also on your own will .

Ask your doctor if you are ready to increase dose a little ,or at least split it in two so you can get the effect all day ..that’s in my opinion what you need .

Stacey48 profile image
Stacey489 Months Smoke Free in reply to

I talked to my doctor. They recommend taking the full dose which is 1mg in the morning and 1mg in the evening.

If that causes bad effects then I can just take 1mg a day.

They said that because I am so keen to give up that I should take every opportunity and can always cut down the tablets if they don’t work for me.

They also said I may not have the distaste for cigs for a few more days.

I feel reassured.

Thank you x

Wow it’s for me almost 2 years smoke free and I see I forgot those numbers ..but yes that makes sense ..on the other hand you want to make sure the medication is distributed all day not just one take ..I assumed you want to be all day covered .

Im pretty sure as your doctor said in a couple of days you will start getting the best medication effect ..

Most important I can see you have that great desired to quit and that’s the best of all !


Stacey48 profile image
Stacey489 Months Smoke Free in reply to

Yes I will take 1mg in the morning and 1mg in the evening 😁

2 years smoke free? You are my hero 😁😁😁

Quit4Money profile image
Quit4Money1 Year Smoke Free9 Months Smoke Free

I quit exactly 14 days in from starting Champix. I don’t advise waiting for the day you have “lack of desire”. Our brains like to play cute little tricks on us. Best you practise your will to show who’s boss. Good luck, you are in charge.

in reply to Quit4Money

You are a wise woman.

Your comments are well thought out.

Quit4Money profile image
Quit4Money1 Year Smoke Free9 Months Smoke Free in reply to

haha thx. Addiction is so much darn fun!

2217 profile image
2217100 Days Smoke Free

I don’t know if you are using the Champix from the U.K. but my understanding was on starting the tablets that you set a quit day within 12 days so I’m really confused. I stopped on the 8th day. They are not wonder tablets just another form of NRT to assist you. If you really want to give up then stop smoking and let the tablets assist you. They will help you I promise but you must do a bit of work yourself I’m afraid.

GMCG29 profile image
GMCG29100 Days Smoke Free in reply to 2217

I stopped on day 15 or 16 I was the same thinking I have no desire to stop but then I realised I need to pick a day and just do it, haven’t bought a packet of cigs 4 weeks yesterday smoke free 4 weeks today, good luck

Stacey48 profile image
Stacey489 Months Smoke Free in reply to GMCG29

Well done, what an achievement. I'm going to do day 14 I think :-) Already not feeling a desire tonight :-)

GMCG29 profile image
GMCG29100 Days Smoke Free in reply to Stacey48

I am in Northern Ireland we are advised 8-14 days but everyone is different I just decided I wasn’t buying anymore cigs and it has worked for me, good luck u will get there it’s not easy but gets easier x

Stacey48 profile image
Stacey489 Months Smoke Free in reply to GMCG29

Yes I think I might do the same and just not bother getting anymore now. Thank you for the encouragement :-)

2217 profile image
2217100 Days Smoke Free in reply to GMCG29

Well done you, that’s excellent. Your on your way. 5 months for me on the 20th, still not easy at times but fingers crossed.

Stacey48 profile image
Stacey489 Months Smoke Free in reply to 2217

Im in Australia. The advice here is that you can quit up to day 35 so I think I'm going to do day 14

Stacey48 profile image
Stacey489 Months Smoke Free in reply to 2217

I understand that I will have to do something myself but also understand that the whole point of champion is to take away a desire to smoke yes? I think that may be happening tonight anyhow :-)

2217 profile image
2217100 Days Smoke Free in reply to Stacey48

Hi Stacey, are you in the U.K. because you talk of champion, maybe it’s something different we are taking about. I’m referring to Champix.

Stacey48 profile image
Stacey489 Months Smoke Free in reply to 2217

In Australia and yes champix! Autocorrect!!

2217 profile image
2217100 Days Smoke Free in reply to Stacey48

Hello Stacey, that clears up the two different names. I can only speak for myself, but I didn’t really have a set date I just knew I wanted to give up but was too scared to make that decision as I didn’t know his I would be affected. On the 8th day I woke up and had 3 left. I thought I need to get to the supermarket pretty soon and then I thought another £12.50 gone and I now have 23 cigs to smoke - when is this going to end. Consequently, I smoked all 3 straight off and that was my start. They didn’t taste awful but there was a slight distaste. I followed the instructions to the letter and come the end I was frightened to death that I wouldn’t be able to cope without them. Really Stacey, go for it, it’s so good to have freedom. I was a heavy smoker so cigarettes absolutely took over my life and also gave me COPD, many thanks for that!

Good luck you will be fine.

Stacey48 profile image
Stacey489 Months Smoke Free in reply to 2217

Thank you! Yes I think you are right. I'm actually not even thinking of cigarettes much now and today I only smoked 4!!!! I'm really pleased. I am definitely going to day 14 to give up or maybe even before! Yipeee to be smoke free :-)

Lynds1974 profile image
Lynds19746 Months Smoke Free

Dont double dose! When I was on Champix I went through exactly the same thing.. it was up to 2 weeks before I started to have the nausea after smoking and then not craving them as much. Just stick to the recommended dosage 🤟🏻👍🏼

Stacey48 profile image
Stacey489 Months Smoke Free in reply to Lynds1974

I am on the recommended dosage which is 1mg morning and 1 mg evening. I was just considering halving the dose but decided not to

It’s just my opinion but I’m all for a drug free departure from nicotine. We have spent most of our lives relying on drugs to help us get through one thing and then the next as we go through life. Well how about going at it without a pill for a pacifier. The real withdrawal that I went through by not using a pill or patch has given me an ownership of my life that I haven’t felt since I was a 15 year old kid that thought it was cool to smoke. Hell yes it’s a hard habit to break. But it can be done. If one person can do it so can another. I smoked a little pack a day for 40 years. What’s in your wallet?


RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to

Thank you Hidden for your valuable thoughts and opinion here and in other posts.

I stopped cold turkey too as wanted to be free from nicotine asap but this way is not for everyone and some need help and can be successfully live smoke free lives.

Cigarette addiction is the only one where you're on your own to get that freedom, unlike the options of going into residential rehabilitation for drug or alcohol abuse and get the supervised and disciplinary detox. We have many members here who have long term stopped with the aid of NRT and champix and we need to respect and acknowledge this way of stopping aswell as us 'cold turkeys' :)

Stacey48 profile image
Stacey489 Months Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Thank you Rosin

Stacey48 profile image
Stacey489 Months Smoke Free in reply to

Not everyone is the same Umpire and one must be careful to not sound holier than thou yes? Because you do a little bit.

GMCG29 profile image
GMCG29100 Days Smoke Free in reply to

Good for you 👏🏻 not everyone is the same and deal differently with things, I had tried every other method to give up smoking and failed miserably champix was my last resort as I had heard good and bad reports about it luckily it agrees with me and I am 30 days smoke free for the first in 26 years 😊 long may it last, just because you can do something doesn’t mean the next person should or can do it 😊

Stacey48 profile image
Stacey489 Months Smoke Free in reply to GMCG29

30!days yayyyy, that will be me one day 😁😁😁

GMCG29 profile image
GMCG29100 Days Smoke Free in reply to Stacey48

Thank you 😊 yes it will be you have you picked a day yet? I didn’t necessarily pick a day just didn’t buy anymore cigs x

Stacey48 profile image
Stacey489 Months Smoke Free in reply to GMCG29

I’ve said day 14,so only 3 more days now and I might do the same as you and just not buy anymore 😁

GMCG29 profile image
GMCG29100 Days Smoke Free in reply to Stacey48

Good luck 😉

Crackling profile image

On Champix I picked day 14, then 15, then 16... 😐 Day 21 was my actual quit day. One day you will just feel like you can do it. They’ll taste bad and you won’t even feel like puffing after you’ve lit up.

Crackling profile image
Crackling in reply to Crackling

Actually it Day 28🤔

josd profile image
josd6 Months Smoke Free

I was Day 6, cigs started tasting bad day 5. I think J should have kept smoking a few more days looking back though. Keep up the good work!!

2217 profile image
2217100 Days Smoke Free

This is my second prescription on Champix. Very successful, six and a half months and then I stupidly took a couple of puffs and was back on the cigarettes. On the first occasion I stopped smoking on the 8th day.

This time round I keep delaying it, why I don’t know, but I have now set my quit date for the 12th day. The instructions do say stop between and 8th and 12th day. As to the dosage I would take the tablets exactly as instructed. On my first attempt I only weighed 7.5 stone, so being tiny in weight I don’t think makes any difference for you to change the dosage.

Pick a day and stick to it. All my thoughts and good wishes.

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