Hi just me again!! I have a question for the champix people. On what day did you quit? I ask because I still don’t have any effects of not wanting to smoke or loosing desire to. I know you have to want to give up too which I do but I thought the tablets might have an effect by now?! Maybe I need a few more days.
I did set my quit day to day 14 but my leaflet also says I can go up to day 35. I really want this to be a successful quit and some people on the interernet say keep smoking until you are feeling the lack of desire so you don’t give up too early and fail. That makes sense to me.
I am also only taking 1mg tablet in the evening as I am concerned that 2mg will be too much for me as I am quite tiny at 55kg and 5 feet 7 inches. But then I wonder if I should take the 2 tablets as it might have more effect!!! Not sure what to do!
Any thoughts?
Many Thanks