Seeking sanity. 1st day panics: So I'm a... - No Smoking Day

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Seeking sanity. 1st day panics

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free
28 Replies

So I'm a good portion through the first day. Woke up puffin on an electric but stopped half way through the day in hopes that if I don't use any net the rest of the weekend I'll have the nicotine out of my body by the time I go back to work Monday morning. I have made probably close to 10 or more attempts in 2017 but I feel pretty determined to quit. I'd like to used money saved to get some much needed dental work done and right now I don't know I'm just sort of rambling my way through a bad crave. But luckily I have several left over candy canes to help. Hope you are all doing well

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Pattygirl1992 profile image
1 Year Smoke Free
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28 Replies
Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor

Hello Pattygirl, welcome to the forum.

You mention you are using an ecig ("an electric") and you also mention that you have tried ten times in 2017. Is this the first time using an ecig or have you used one in all of the attempts?

I used an ecig up until around 6 months and I'm pretty sure I couldn't have coped without it. You have to think about how you're going to tackle this. Don't think you have to get all of the nicotine out of your body as soon as possible. This works for some people but not for everyone.

It seems like you're not having a particularly easy ride at the minute so my advice would be just to use your ecig (or other NRT if I've misinterpreted) to get you through the intitial stage. While you're doing that you can ask more questions and get more advice from people here who have tried lots of different methods. After that you can decide what sounds best for you.

I hope we can help.

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free in reply to Nozmo

I hope so to and I think y'all will. I have tried the e CIA but I find my self more often than not with it in my hand from the second my eyes open till they close. I'm alright for now. Because it probably be asleep in an hour or so but the e-cig is available as a better option than stealing one of hubbys in a moment of crisis

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to Pattygirl1992

Yeah, definitely. Use it to stay away from the real things for the minute. That's one of the problems with the ecigs; people tend to have them in their hands constantly, found the same myself. When you smoke a cigarette you stop when you reach the filter but with an electronic one you can just keep going!

Sleep is a good idea too, especially when things are getting frustrating.

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to Pattygirl1992

Just to add - there are ways to reduce your ecig usage and get you off them. And let me assure you - it's a hell of a lot easier to come of them than it is with cigarettes.

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free

Hmm. I'm glad to hear that. I've been so mixed up on e-cigs it can be confusing. Still going strong for now!

Exsmo profile image

Hey younARE doing it. Ramble on. It helps to atay close. Read posts and learn all you can. Knowledge IS power and arms you against the nicodemon. We will listen and cheer you on.

You are determined now Pattygirl this is for sure your time to quit 👍

You’re are also here at the perfect place to share and learn

Make sure you read the pinned post at the bottom of this page You will find lots of great tips there ..

Btw the vape is very helpful at the beginning and perfect if you gradually drop to zero nicotine !

Keep it up 👍

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free

Thanks to you guys for your kind words and support I made it through until last night. My husband still keeps his smokes on the night stand so when I woke up last night to pee I hadone the damn things lit before I knew what was going on. I threw it away at about the half way point as I realisedwhat I was doing and will asking him nicely not to put them where I can just grab them when I am not even thinking about it but otherwise today is good using the electric a little more today because of last night and will be keeping on the nightstand as well.

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to Pattygirl1992

It's easy done (I've done it plenty of times in the past)

The main thing is you're going for it again so I hope the rest of the day goes well for you. Post anytime you feel like it - rant, complain, ask questions...anything.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Huge welcome to our community Pattygirl1992 and congratulations on making the best decision of your life to stop smoking.

Sorry to read you have had a slip but it is good you are back on horse again (how is things going now?). Definitely set the ground rules asap with your hubby about his smoking and boundaries, that is, designated area outside, all smoking related stuff out of sight from you etc....

I truly admire anyone stopping with the temptation and having to resist it from another smoker around you - I was that smoker for my hubby and continued to smoke for a year and a half after he stopped and felt so guilty while I smoked and after I stopped which was over 2 years ago cold turkey after waking up in the early hours coughing and not able to breath, decided there and then I was stopping and the rest is history. It was a bumpy road at times but I am the happiest and healthiest I have been since I was a teenager (before smoking!!).

With regards work, I found that I was no longer hiding behind my crutch of a cigarette and gained confidence in myself to deal with situations there and then which didn't happen as a smoker as just smoked like a chimney thinking 'it' was solving all my problems both at work and personally.....

Below is a link to some pinned posts worth a read if not already done so - read up as much as you can as it really does help and also stay close to us, post anytime about anything, we are here to help...

PS Your Day 1 badge is on its way :)

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free

Thanks for the badge! 🙂the first of many is my goal 🤗 I felt really bad this morning for what went down but I called my husband at work and he agreed to keep the cigarettes in his car from here on out and as a added bonus because he has to go out in single digit temps to smoke he's cut back some already himself. I woke up with a cough and some tightness in my chest. These have both been intermittent and seem a small price to pay for better health. The moodiness has been intermittent as well but seeing my badge has put a big smile on my face. I know it's just a day but it feels like a big day 😆 hoping every body is well and thankful for the support 💙

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Pattygirl1992

Your husband may very well follow in your footsteps just I like did after mine stopped but it has to be their decision and no pressure from anyone else to stop...

Keep up the great positive attitude and again, stay close to us :)

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

How is day 2 going Pattygirl1992

Exsmo profile image
Exsmo in reply to Pattygirl1992

O Pattygirl none is ever just a day. What a great day and badge it is! Proud of you and impressed with your hub too. Both have done well. I think you're going to be achieving many more badges. Doesn't it feel great when you get one! Keep up the good work!!

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free

So I slept in this morning and woke and immediately made myself awarethat I was awake. Had some breakfast, held off putting on the coffee and puffed on my electric. Knowing I have a group of supporters here helps in ways I couldn't have imagined. Temperatures were in the single digits last night so my husband actually wound up smoking in the house and my brother visited and so he was smoking inside too and I'm not gonna lie that was really really hard but I made it. So today I'm alright. I do need some help though because I go back to work tomorrow and in order to eat, use the restroom, or even get a drink of water without passing right by the smoking booth. s I'm trying to prepare statehouse to avoid it as much as possible. Maybe bring a water to work and pack a lunch I can eat in my work area . Everything but I'm on my day two strong and steady so far.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Pattygirl1992

Well done Pattygirl1992 - you are doing great, continue to stay close to us and reading up on the pinned posts here and elsewhere, knowledge is power in our journeys.

For me with my first few days at work as an ex-smoker, I was actually surprised how the breaks didn't bother me and absolutely detested the smell of smoke from other smokers and actually had a sense of achievement that I no longer stank and had to endure other people with the dreadful smell! Also, was great not to be going out in wet, cold, windy weather and constantly getting colds and chest infections...along with saving a fortune on not smoking, saved loads not going to doctor and being on antibiotics for the majority of the year :O

I also started a bit of a trend in work with a water juicer bottle, even the fellas took to it - during my breaks used to chop up/slice my favourite flavour of cucumber, mint and lemon, put in the bottle and top it up with water throughout the day, found it was great with the cravings, the colder the water the better :) If the cravings get severe at work, I took time out for myself for about 5 minutes and done some deep breathing exercises (inhale 5 times for 5 seconds and exhale the same).

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

That sounds great. I actually tossed some water bottles in my freezer today so that they will be nice and icy throughout the day tomorrow. I feel pretty good. I've started noticing the smell pretty hard today while I have been deep cleaning the apartment. Its been a shock the smell and taste thing. I read about it but the experience is something different completely 🤣

Exsmo profile image
Exsmo in reply to RoisinO1

This advice was excellent for me. Sounded odd about it being cold, but it truly helps more w craving. I didnt listen to the cold part and began eating fudgesickles instead... A lot. The COLD is important. Even w/out the juice it helps. Juice is better. This helps also with the hand to mouth habit as you walk by smokers. Seriously this was one of my lifesavers!

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to Pattygirl1992

Great advice from RoisinO1 there.

Just thought of something else that might help....

It sounds like you’re thinking ahead and have envisaged trigger points at work (and i’m sure you’ll get through) Try also to think of any other triggers. Did you always have a cigarette when you got home from work? After a meal? First thing on a morning? I’m sure there will be loads so try to think of as many as possible and think of how you’re going to deal with them. It’s always best to be prepared as the surprise cravings that come out of the blue seem to hit particularly hard.

I remember walking out of a shop when I first quit and getting a HUGE unexpected craving. The shop was one I went to quite frequently and I always had a smoke when I left it because it had a small sheltered area where the smokers congregated. I think if there had have been any of the usual suspects in the smoking area I would have bummed a cig off one them and that would have been my quit finished with after a few days.

Anyway, sorry for for the rambling, hope this helps. Good luck with the return to work and let us know how it went. I’m back tomorrow as well....after being off for 17 days........can’t be’s too soon! 😀

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free in reply to Nozmo

That actually helps a lot. First thing in the morning has been rough but I have taken up actually eating breakfast instead of smoking. I notice to I have had to cut back on my coffee and hot drinks in general for the same reason. I had not though about the grocery store. Hmm. It might do to try the other one for a little while. All of the article suggest shaking things up a bit to help with that part. I'm going around my parents today and that will be... Well needles to say I have breath mints at the ready.

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Pattygirl1992

I had to stop coffee drinking and even after 2 years only really have a cup if out meeting friends, I found it made me anxious and craved a smoke even though I would not have been a big coffee I can't get enough water into me.....

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free in reply to RoisinO1

Water has been my saving grace today. I really appreciate it's existence

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Pattygirl1992

Was mine too in the early days Pattygirl1992

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to Pattygirl1992

Yeah, good idea, break up the routine as much as you can. We all smoked for many years so it becomes ingrained in most things we do.

Good luck at your parents'!

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free in reply to Nozmo

Thank you. My little brother just moved out and put baby sister just got engaged so my parents are having an emotional crisis. They are happy we are all growing up but I think they don't know what to do with themselves

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor in reply to Pattygirl1992

I can identify with them. My kids are growing so fast!

Exsmo profile image
Exsmo in reply to Pattygirl1992

I had to stop coffe but tea is great.

One thing i learned somehow nicotine interferes w body's absorption of caffeine so you can drink more. (I drank it all day and night even. ) Once quit it triggered a crave and made me very anxious.

I too began w breakfast. I took chantix and it makes one nauseaus w/out food. Funny thing i hadnt had a real breakfast in years! Healthiest meal of the day and most smokers miss it. Am glad to hear you're eating it now.

I can now have decaf coffee on occasion. Highly recommend "Pete's". Doesn't taste like decaf.

Changing things up is important. I now prefer tea and have only tried a glass of wine once bc I don't want help in the trigger dept. Taking it slow on what so naturally seemed to go with cigs...back in the day (a whole 3 months ha ha)

Pattygirl1992 profile image
Pattygirl19921 Year Smoke Free in reply to Exsmo

The breakfast has actually been really nice. I woke up early this morning and made something quick and easy before work. I didn't realise how different my work day would be by just having a healthy breakfast. 😊

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