Hello my Name is Andy,I live just outside Edinburgh near the Borders.
Tomorrow Sunday 1st October 2017 is my stop date,I thought I would do this in conjunction with Stopoctober and with the help of my local chemist through the NHS,I have my patches and lozenges at the ready for Tomorrow,my Carbon Monoxide test was reading quite high at 16,they said not to worry as this would obviously be greatly reduced by next week (that is an insentive in its self)
I am now in my twilight years so my health is now a big factor,but touching wood no great worries at the moment.I have had a few attempts to stop throughout the years but hopefully this time.
I woke up this morning with a slight feeling of dread in thinking this is my last day with the cigarette and all the what ifs,you know the feeling if something happens at work or in your life etc,I've found in the past the cigarette has been a bit of a crutch for me and that said there is no doubt it is a drug.the other reason is my energy levels are really low so hoping this will improve.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post and any comments and advice will be greatly received.