Well here I go again. Quit attempt number six or more this year. Tomorrow I am going to wake up and put on a nicotine patch. I will then go and pick some lemons and make lots of lemon water to stay hydrated. I have four patches left from a pack. I will wear one a day for four days. Then after that it is cold turkey. I will breath through and count the 3 minutes of each withdrawal craving and know that THIS WILL PASS. I am also going to implement some daily exercise into my life. I live in the mountains so I will go for bushwalks. I am also going to check in on here whenever I need to. This is my plan. I wish you all well in your quit journeys. My biggest problem which causes me to pickup again is intense irritability and restlessness. I got six weeks up last November and at 6 weeks I could not sit still for a moment. Was constantly giving myself jobs to do and pacing around and being really irritable with my daughter. I thought that at six weeks all this would have passed. BUT NO. I could not sit with self and relax. I felt like I was going mad. Anyway Here goes.
Day 1 Tomorrow: Well here I go again. Quit... - No Smoking Day
Day 1 Tomorrow

Go for it and don't be downheartened that this is your sixth attempt. Every time you try to quit you gain a little more knowledge. If you try enough times it will eventually stick. That's what I did anyway and it's working so far.
I was irritable too; angry in fact; drove my family mad. My wife has great pleasure in telling me how horrible I was It's just something most of us (and our families) have to put up with I'm afraid. It DOES wear off.
Best of luck for the new quit!

Ah good to hear from you Twinkle4 - sorry to read you have relapsed but fair play to you for never giving up quitting - you appear to be in a great mindset and ready - learning from previous attempts is vital to success - perhaps a trip to your local health food shop for herbal supplements might help with the agitation and restlessness.
Patience is another thing needed in our quits which I found very difficult, after the first week quit, I thought I would be this new healthier person but it doesn't work that way as it takes time for the mind and body to recover as it has alot of rewiring and repairing to do, but the remarkable thing is it will recover. Embrace the journey and wishing you strength for tomorrow, keep close to us and post any time, there is always someone around

I know how that feels I went from feeling like I had everything under control and within the hour I felt I was doomed to fail I was shouting at everyone and totally crashed. I went to the shop and brought a vape. I then decided to use 1mg lozenges which kept me saine whilst I regained control and got rid of the vape and hand to mouth habbit. Every couple of days I took one away till I was left with 3. I was stuck on the 3 for a while I think through fear of letting it go. But I suddenly didn't want it I was down to 1 in the evening then nothing. I never thought id ever be here after the many failed attempts I had but I am and finally had the strength to get through. You can too Twinkle4 . Take every day and every hour as it comes. Use this site any time you need it the support is amazing.

Twinkle...even if you need to become Mark Twain and give up thousands of times..Just never quit to quit;....Someday you will nail it ...
Srongs !!!!

How is today going for you Twinkle4 ?

Hope you are getting on ok Twinkle4 ?