hi its my first post on here and was hoping for a bit of advice , ,i really want to give up but seem to get to week one and give in and have a few days of smoking,then feel really angry with myself and vow to quit again ,its been like this for 2 months now ,i was just hoping if anyone had any tips to help that anyone else used ,(i quit 7 days ago but had 3 cigs yesterday again ) ,thanks to anyone for reading this .
had a cig today ,does that mean back to day 1 - No Smoking Day
had a cig today ,does that mean back to day 1

Welcome Jakenem, sorry that you having a rough time with the quitting. I think for every time you quit, take note what made you cave in and try to learn from it.
There is some helpful tips across the page which may be useful to you. Knowledge is key in our quits with what is happening mentally and physically.
It is important that you do start again from Day 1 as it will give you that determination and focus not to let happen again and also keeps your quit solid.
Wishing you strength and success and seeing you back on here in a new quit soon.

Hello Jakenem, Roison, has great advice.
A big welcome from me, great to have you with us. At points we all have mental battle, a trigger, what ever we call it, indeed this is not unusual, when those horrid times happen, it's a case of doing any thing, sweets, a jog, class of water, this is the difference between staying quit or not, but may be stick close to the forum, read and post often, it will help
Are you using any patch, champix, lozenge?
Hoping you get back on track, look forward to your updates
thanks for the kind welcome ,im going to use patches this time,i tried doing cold turkey and got to a week and gave in ,so i think its best to have a bit of help ,i gave up for 5 months a few years ago cold turkey but it seems harder this time . thanks for taking the time to reply to me ,i keep reading all the posts and let you know how im getting on ,and hope you both all the best
Patches worked very well with me - my advise alternate use on each upper arm - my skin got a little raw from the patch - but the benefit over a little skin rash was with it for me ..
thanks for the advice ,ive started with the patches last night and they do make your skin a bit sore but they seem to be working and its better than smoking so hopefully they will work for me ,i hope you continue to to do really well at giving up and for taking time to reply to me
Outstanding!! My doctor had me on 21mg's for month - then 14mg's for a month --- then 7's... There is some slight edge when down grading doses I,e 21-14-07mgs. - just keep alternating from arm to arm and place the place in a different spot as much as possible - this process gets easier as the lower the doses the smaller the patch.. Patches really helped - but it's still nicotine in your body - one step at a time - you can do this - heck I'm doing it - every body is doing now days- it's a non-smoking world!

Thats great Jakenem, do whatever it takes to help you and keep you smoke free....
I quit 7 months ago, cold turkey and never looked back! It is a roller coaster of a journey but I am delighted to say worth it all as I am at great place in my quit but have the guard up at all times ready to attack!
Let us know when you start your quit with the patches and post as often as you need.

We've all had numerous attempts to kick the habit. I've tried and fail - forget how many - keep trying - set a goal - go 8 days without smoke. Each attemp and each day the urge will get weaker. I'm 7 months no smoking I still get an urge - I just push myself through. Nicotine loves to play your mind- don't let it control you.

I find distraction works for me when I'm craving, reading or doing something like crotchet and drink loads of water. good luck

Jakenem, never quit quitting and you'll get there. Your attitude is great and that's the single most important component to a successful quit. Try,try and try again. One day you'll get tired of starting again, lol, then you'll know it's for good.

thanks ,ive been trying to quit now for 2 months off and on ,but hopefully this time will be my final quit ,my husband has decided to go back to college to retrain so every penny will count soon ,so were both giving up at the same time ,hope all goes well with your quit ,and all the best
On 13th August 2013 I had a Heart Attack, and was 20 minutes from "The Pearly Gates", I had one option, Give up or Bye Bye. 2 years and 7 months on and I am enjoying life, My nose and my taste buds are WOW!