next week and I am delighted to have quit as suffered terribly with chest infections during my 29 years smoking - still early days in my quit, but really feel I will never smoke again especially after last weekend as was my worse curve ball so far.
Long story short, I need to urgently address an issue that I have brushed aside for years - my teeth, they are an utter mess and have deteriorated in the last 3 months but thought I could sort it myself after quitting, brushing and flossing morning, night and after meals, increasing my calcium intake as I have a serious phobia since a child of dentists and have not gone to one in 15 years
Then, last weekend, I received some cruel to be kind advice from my hubby (took him weeks to pluck up the courage to say something to me and know he said it to me for my own good, I am so grateful to him for that). I am not exaggerating when I say my teeth are a mess, I would need at least 3 fillings which is minor compared to my 4 top front teeth which have worn down so badly from grinding - 2 are really bad and developed a huge gap. Since quitting I have also developed bleeding gums. I have promised my hubby that I will make an appointment with the dentist but I am just petrified that nothing can be done, the damage is gone too far - I actually feel sick to the stomach thinking about it and have been so down all week (if I am honest been down for quite a long time now about it, that I smile with my mouth closed and constantly putting my hand up to my mouth when talking and laughing). I am also so embarrassed and ashamed beyond belief...
Sorry for the long post, just wondering has anyone experienced the same thing with their teeth and what treatment can be done if any, have I let it go beyond repair? Any advice would be much appreciated...