Hi everyone after smoking for 24 years I've decided to give the quitting another shot. I've tried cold turkey, the patch & a few other NRT with no long term success. The best thing about quitting smoking & failing a bunch of times is the exp I've gained. Long story short I had a shower 16 days ago and on the spur of the moment decided I was done smoking. I couldn't believe how well the first 10 days or so went but like every other time I've quit I start to get wore down mentally & the cravings seem to get worse and not better. The little voice in my head returned yesterday morning, you know the voice if you've ever tried quitting. It's the voice that keeps trying to convince you that you loved smoking & hey you've done well what harm would having 1 smoke do ? Usually I manage to mute that voice for a few days but in the end it always seems to convince me to have a smoke. Does anyone else exp a stage like this ? I was hoping by quitting cold turkey that the nicotine would be out of my system by now and things would slowly start to get easier but that's not the case. Anyone have any stories they could share with me ? I really need all the help I can get at this stage of quitting smoking.
Day 16 of No Smoking: Hi everyone :) after... - No Smoking Day
Day 16 of No Smoking

Welcome Mike and huge well done on reaching 16 days, that is great!
What you are experiencing now is perfectly normal as you have begun your mental battle with the nicodemon so you need to keep your guard up at all times and be ready to attack, but good news, as each day passes, it does get easier. Time does pass by much quicker after you get your first month over you.
I too gave up cold turkey almost 6 months ago and still going strong. It has been a rollercoaster of ride but worth it. Wishing you strength and determination, read up as much as possible....

Hello Mike,
I'm very familiar with that voice you describe so well. I'm at 2 months, using an e-cig and that voice still bugs me now and then, usually when I'm least expecting it. From what I have read on the forums most people experience it, regardless of the method of quitting so you're not alone.
As Roisin says, it DOES get easier, so if you beast this one out then the voice should get quieter, less frequent, and less convincing.
HI Mike, this voice is saying don't do it and keep going. I have tried numerous times to give up..... Its now 5 weeks and 2 days for me!! I know if I have one cigarette I will be back to square one... I also went cold turkey and have found I have had to change what I do when I crave a cigarette. Its all in the mind as they say... easy said than done. I am now so busy I do not think about smoking so much... and I now have an addiction to researching holidays and Im off to Dubai next week to celebrate my birthday. This will be a tough time as friends I am going with are smokers... and will I cave in and have one.... I will let you know..... I really enjoyed smoking, but after losing my husband to cancer five years ago, ( even that did not make me stop) and brothers and sisters now been diagnose Ive decided to quit and enjoy my life for a few years longer. I now find myself watching people smoke lol.... so keep going and hopefully you will find another healthy addiction. Keep me posted.