I just found out I am pregnant and am on day 2 of quitting. I smoked through my last two pregnancies but am quite a bit older this time plus suffered a miscarriage earlier in the year. My biggest problems are being bored and rewarding myself for small things such as doing the dishes. So far I'm going strong. I feel different quitting this time. I have tried in the past and never made it past day 4. Unlike the other times, I don't find myself thinking of ways or reasons to get a cigarette. I think this time is it. I believe posting here is going to help me so I apologize if some get annoyed.
A good reason to quit!: I just found out I am... - No Smoking Day
A good reason to quit!

Huge welcome to our community Alynnk0821 - congratulations on making the best decision of your life to stop smoking, not just for you but for your baby. Sorry for your previous loss and hope you are doing ok.
You seem to be in a good mindset which is vital in our quits - stay strong and read up as much as you can - stay close to us too - you came to the right place here for support, advice and encouragement, never think by posting you will be annoying anyone here, we are all in the same boat and once started off at Day 2 - I am now over 2 years smoke free doing it cold turkey, it is/was a roller coaster of a journey but so achievable.
Below is a link to some pinned posts if not already read. We look forward to reading your progress
How is day 3 going for you Alynnk0821 - nicotine will be out of your system by end of today if going cold turkey?
Thank you for asking! I am using the patch so there is still nicotine in me but I have not had one craving! I always heard you can't quit until you are ready. I tried so hard to be ready for years and something just clicked this time. Mornings are hard as well as getting in my car and after eating but I believe I'm going to make it passed day 4 which has always been my day that I quit quitting (?) ! I am just ready for this to be the normal way of life. I am giving myself 1 month to think about it and then it will be an issue of the past for me. I can't wait until I am able to share with my family that I quit. I want to give it a while so they know I am serious this time!
Thanks again for checking! I will be posting tomorrow!