Hi my fellow quitters
Soo a bit of back ground, I am 26 and have been smoking exactly ten years! This year in particular I started to see the damage smoking was doing to me..
1. From having amazing skin I now notice a really dull complexion and very dry
2. Lack of energy/motivation
3. hair thinning
4. I am naturally a slim girl but I eat well and should be gaining weight but struggle I think smoking is keeping me under weight!
Anyway few main reasons why I decided to quit! Wasn't easy I got anxiety and depression on the thought of quitting. I tried allen carrs easy and vaping but I swear it made me smoke more. so finally last week I found a quit smoking hypno video/audio on youtube.. friday evening after work gave it a go smoked my last cigarette and that has been it! I went dentist today got my teeth cleaned.
I am deffo finding it easier than i thought. I dont want to light up the thought makes me sick! but my body deffo is in need of some nicotine. I am not giving in Mind over Matter!
I have got a sore throat since quitting and also felt quiet light headed (Body isn't used to so much oxygen)
I was hoping you guys could give me some things I can expect and when I can expect to get brighter eyes and skin etc !! You know the visible physical changes after quitting!
Thank you x