Quit smoking for two and a half months prior to my holiday, stupidly I though I'd have a few on holiday and then return to not smoking. However, here I am back on 20 a day!! 11am today is my quit time and this time it has to be for good!
Another go: Quit smoking for two and a half... - No Smoking Day
Another go

Thank you for jumping right back on the wagon ! Strongs !!

Well done for getting back on it. X

Good to hear from you Thorpey1992 and sorry to read you relapsed, how is Day 1 going for you, hopefully well?

Yep, I can absolutely relate to that!
You've done it before and you can do it again. Well done for starting over.

Well done on getting back on the horse Thorpey1992 , how is Day 2 going for you?

Well done on starting again Thorpey1992 - I lost count of my quit attempts but this one appears to be the strongest one yet for me - will be a month in 2 days time, longest ever I have been off them since I was 13, now 42
Hope day 2 is going ok for you?

Hey guys sorry for late reply doing really well

Well done Thorpey1992 - keep us posted!