I’m a week into my quit and although I’ve wanted to give up smoking for years, I feel really determined this time. I’ve been under the weather for a couple of weeks and it’s really spurred me on to get on with it, as I’ve realised my health is more important than smoking. I really didn’t want to go into 2018 smoking so I’m pleased to have made it 7 days! Wishing you all a very merry Christmas!! 🎅🏻🎅🏻
I’m finally doing it: I’m a week into my quit... - No Smoking Day
I’m finally doing it

That's awesome! Me too I didn't want to go into 2018 smoking so I decided to quit on 11th December so on 11th January I could say that I didn't smoke for 1 month already

Yes you are Bonds123, you are doing it!! Take it one day at a time. You can do this. Merry Christmas to you as well!

Huge welcome to our community Bonds123 - congratulations on 1 week smoke free, hope you treated yourself as it is a massive achievement.
Are you going cold turkey or using an aid?
Thanks roisin, that’s kind of you. I’m going cold turkey as have tried all the nrt’s and always go back to smoking. I just want to get on with it and be nicotine free as soon as possible.
I too went cold turkey over 2 years ago and like you just wanted the nicotine out of system asap
Below is a link to some pinned posts worth a read if not already done so, stay close to us....

Nice to meet you. One brave lady going cold turkey. You sound like me sick of smoking but feel like you have something missing. Im sure as we comtinue our quit journey these feelings will go. I do think having a PMA helps with quitting. Logically what are missing. Smelling having less money beinging controlled to name but a few.

Congrats Bonds, Merry Christmas.

I love the title of this post, that's what I think to myself every day! After 20 years I am finally doing it.
Well done, you are doing great x

Welcome and hope you're feeling better since you've decided to get on with it? Well, besides the quit withdrawals. Happy holidays and stick with us!

Thank you all for your replies, you’re all so kind especially so close to xmas!
So far I’m doing good, I’m glad to say I haven’t felt like one yet. That said I have been under the weather which has put me off and I’m taking advantage of it!
1st Christmas without smoking in at least 20 years, now that does feel strange! But good.