Hi all, hope you're all well and staying strong.
We just returned from a lovely break in France where smoking seems like the nation's favourite passtime. Every street, cafe and place of interest brought with it clouds of smoke which, depending on my mood was either disgusting or really, really tempting.
The biggest hurdle put in my way was when I was directly offered a "cheeky holiday treat" in the form of a wee cigar (normally something I would've bought when 'quitting smoking' - as they're not cigarettes{!}) on the last day of the holiday by a guy who only minutes earlier I had told I had quit smoking! ...Lead us not into temptation and all that jazz. Needless to say I told him about my 50 days milestone and politely declined (when other 'non-smokers' took up his offer). It felt like a real achievement for me, especially as I was drinking and would've normally had just had one or two cigarillos as a wee "treat". Down that road madness lies!!!
I think if it hadn't have been for the regular milestone badges and the other 'warnings' on this forum, I may not have been so well prepared to face the holiday temptations head on. So thank you all for your input which I read regularly.
I'm still on the champix (which is still helping) and have my sights on achieving 3 months as an ex-smoker. I can only hope that it takes up less space in my thoughts as time goes by. The not one puff ever rule is really helping in my trying to quit efforts.
All the best,