Hi, I hope that all of you are fine. 23 days and 18 hours have been passed since I smoked my last cig, I'm really very happy that I took this decision and go with it cause I am about 34 and 4 month have a beautiful wife and daughter who is 8 months and looking forward to enjoy my life with them without worrying about my health and money destroyed by nicotine addiction. although I have tried to quit many times before cold turkey I didn't do it until I used Champix. I took my first 0.5 mg bill at 8th may and set my quit day to 16th of may. It's remarkable that altghough champix has helped me very much with cravings, not all days was easy for example the first day was easy but the second and third was really hard at night time then 4th day was easy and so on. I found that eating good before taking the bills protected me from feeling nauseous for example I used to eat 2 boiled eggs and drink a cup of milk before the morning bill. I also want to mention that I have a vivid dream only for 3 nights as a side effect of champix. Today I feel fantastic I didn't crave cigs phiscally may be a few thoughts that has passed as fast as lighting speed.
I did it with champix: Hi, I hope that all of... - No Smoking Day
I did it with champix

Welcome again Assem ! You appear to be in a great frame of mind which is vital in our quits. I quit cold turkey over 20 months ago but many of our members have quit with the aid of champix, from what I have picked up on from them is that it is not a magic pill and still have the intense mental battle to go through but does help a little with the physical withdrawal. Hopefully you continue to be nausea free with it - here is a link I researched on nausea with it - you are lucky you can eat like that before taking it as was a huge complaint for many here
Also, is a link of helpful posts if not already read
We look forward to your updates - keep in touch
PS Can you confirm your quit date for your milestone badges when you get a chance.

Hi Assem... what a brilliant and positive read! Well done you!!! Almost a full month cigarette free!!
Whatever gets you through, that's what I think. Am 8 weeks into my quit and loving it more and more. When I feel weak, I think of my son who is 7 years old. And it makes me carry on. You've got some lovely reasons to stay cigarette free, again, well done!!

Assem.. Werlcome and thank you for anexcellent post and the positive vibe can be felt....Yes Champix is a wonderful aid and served me well...Id rather lived with that "little'' nausia than to start smoking agian... Luckily that also goes away as soon as you finished the perscription... Surely having breakfast before taking the morning dose helped a lot !!
Physical cravings is fairly surpressed by Champix but on the emotional/mental side you need to be strong although I see you are...
Your beutiful wife and daugter will enjoy your company much more as a non smoker than you can Imagine....And surely you will age with dignity to enjoy life with your family...
Stay strong... and post often !!!

Thank you very much for encouragement , I am still smoke free and really enjoy 😊 my life as a non-smoker.