Hi there !
I realize that this forum may not be checked regularly any more but will post anyways. I was prescribed Champix and an on day 18 and still smoking ! I have been smoking for 28 years about 1/2 a pack a day. I've been on the patch several times (and was successful after 9 days and did not smoke for 4 months) I have been on Zyban which worked immediately as I quit smoking within a week. Unfortunately I was allergic to it and have to stop taking it. I am beyond frustrated with Champix and want to give up, but seeing these posts makes me want to hang in a little longer...but I fear that the desire to quit smoking will not be reduced...especially with this drug. I have also been vaping to cut back on the smoking but that just makes me want to have a cigarette even more ! I wished I had never started smoking in the 1st place...sigh