Hi After smoking for 55 years {I am 65}I started champix 3 days ago I am also reading Easy way to quit smoking Tomorrow I start taking 2 pills so far nothing feels different I AM READY FOR THIS
Day 3 on champix: Hi After smoking for 5... - No Smoking Day
Day 3 on champix

Fireit...Welcome and congratulations on the best decision of your life... 55 years smoking is a lifetime and you might face some huge challenges to quit ...Champix is a wonderfull aid and helped me to quit after 38 years smoking on my first attempt....I am 2 years clean now and never felt better and it just get better each day...!! I am almost senior a citizen as well...!
I can see you are ready and don't wait for something to happen ...you must make it happen..Set yourself a stop date ...usually +/- 12 to 14 days after starting with Champix...I for Example came from 60 per day down to 3 on day 11 and day 12 stopped..
You can do this !!!

Welcome Fireit - can't add much more to Hercu's great advice but agree with setting your quit now, you can do it, you are in the right mindset so go for it - as you are giving yourself and your body the best gift ever to rid it from the thousands of toxin poison - we are here for you to help you through it and look forward to seeing your day 1 post very soon
Thanks for reply I am reafy to quit forever Reading Allen Carr's book also I need all the help I can get
Great you have set your quit date for the 17th Fireit , keeping reading up especially our Hercu 's journey who is over 2 years quit with the use of champix - below is a pinned post I done up of his journey and some of his inspirational quotes - may be worth a read before you begin your journey.......

Hi Fireit, and welcome.
My planned quit day was day 8 of Champix. The first 7 days on champix I was still smoking, but not enjoying a smoke, and not really bothered whether I had a smoke or not. Having reached that point of "why am I doing this if I'm not enjoying it anyway?" I arrived at Day 8 and stopped.
I had many previous failed attempts with NRT, hypnotherapy, acupuncture but the cravings always beat me. Champix helped me enormously by reducing those cravings, but I was also ready and determined to quit after 48 years of smoking.
I agree with Hercu and Roisin...go for it. Give it your all. You have everything to gain.
Thank you. For the reply Just started 2 pills today haven't felt any different Still moking the same

Hi Fireit,
I have used champix 31 days ago, I choose the 9th day to be my quit date. I should mention that in the 8th day I smoked a full pack of cigs then at 9th I stopped it completely without waiting for anything to happen. I didn't smoke cigs for 23 days now and everything is just perfect, I wish you wonderful life as a non-smoker.
Thank you for your input I am going too do this Set date too stop the 17th that will be 2 weeks Hopefully a day or 2 earlier Thank every one for support
Welcome Assem and congratulations on 23 days smoke free, well done!
Perhaps create an introductory post sharing your story - we have a few that have started their quit the same time as you.
PS Can you confirm your quit date for your milestone badges - 23rd May?

Very best to you Fireit!! You can do this and you are in the very best place for support!! I'm on week nine using an e cig. First time I've tried to quit after 28 years as a smoker.... it ain't easy, but nothing worth doing ever is!
Go for it!!! We're all right behind you ☺️
Great decision - good luck with it.
I just started my third pack of champix and am nearly at the 3 week mark of not smoking. I wasn't sure what to expect with the champix - many mixed reviews e.g. didn't like the taste, the cigs didn't do anything for me etc, and, for me anyway, it still took quite a lot of willpower to actually stop but stick with it, the champix really helps. I still get pretty bad cravings but they're far less than any I've experienced before. Combining that with the EasyWay techniques is a great idea.
For what it's worth, I realised that my smoking 'trigger' is alcohol so, for the time being, I've stopped drinking and am staying away from places I would normally go to smoke. It's a little extreme, maybe but I'm determined to get rid of the smoking habit; this is my first priority.
I've found this site and all the people who contribute to be a real god-send. It's reassuring to see so many people who are going/have gone where you choose to go.
All the best!