So here I am on day 50 and out of nowhere I've been getting strong cravings again! To the point where I have been breathing in the smell on purpose when walking past smokers! I don't want to smoke, and I'm proud of myself for managing 50 days, but all I can think about is that nice relaxing feeling of bringing the cigarette to my lips and inhaling then breathing out a lovely long line of smoke 😞🤐🙊🙈
I don't know if it's just psychological as it's the action I feel I'm really missing the most but I do randomly and suddenly really enjoy the smell again, even after I didn't! In fact I hated the smell until recently!
On a more positive note though, the fatigue has gone. Lol that's all I can think of! I honestly don't feel better physically or health wise.
Sorry for the negative post today!
Was wondering if it might be down to stopping NRT but that was 3 weeks ago now...