Went to Benidorm for the day yesterday with a local ladies club and oh boy did I struggle not to buy cigarettes. I don't know why as I wasn't around smokers but it was a constant battle, even though I was able to treat myself with some of the money saved I so wanted to smoke. Crazy this addiction. I'm fine again today took my darling grandson out this morning and hardly thought about smoking.
Days out: Went to Benidorm for the day... - No Smoking Day
Days out

Hey Jean, well done on getting through yesterday! Yeah, this battle is one that we must have our guard up at all times and ready to attack...maybe it was just the atomsphere in Benidorm or something about smoking that triggered the craving when you were there....you are doing great, keep it up!

I get days like that. It is a nightmare when it happens. Well done for not giving in though and getting through the day. Success!

You (we) just get days like that Jean, seems to come out of the blue. I wish I knew why it happens!
Well done for not giving in to it.

I would have hated myself today if I'd caved in after 4 weeks smoke free especially as I'm in a good place today with no cravings at all but it just makes me realise never to get complacent.

Hy well you did so well to stay strong, and pull through another day,, fantastic
I.ve had my buddy (grandson) to day, it's soooo lovely isn't it? We adore him.
So pleased today is a better day, well done my lovely, will keep every thing crossed tomorrow is a good day