I have been nicotine free for 485 days. Yesterday I had a melt down over a huge fight and smoked a cigarette. I have to say I enjoyed it. In fact I smoked a few yesterday. But I don’t think I’m going to let 1 day conquer 485 days. I really don’t want to smoke. Yesterday was a weird day.
485 days: I have been nicotine free for 48... - No Smoking Day
485 days

Oh KathieO , sorry to read you lapsed ☹
It is your personal decision whether to reset your smoke free journey again but unfortunately I will have to remove your over a year smoke free badge.
We have seen it here in the past with members not resetting and numerous relapses until they are back full time smoking. By resetting you have the much needed discipline to remain smoke free and not make it easier for you to reach for one the next time you have a bad day.
It is also quite alarming after all this time that you enjoyed it and smoked several. You have shown huge strength and determination and offered amazing support, help and advice here.
Wishing you to get that back and really reflect on what happened yesterday as you have been so strong 💪
Thanks RoisinO1. I had to tell someone what I did so I did it here. Today is a new day and I feel better than the day before. New day new start new journey🌹
It took guts KathieO to come on here to let us know what happened. Unfortunately, SO many don't I know you will come back stronger and here's to a new journey, stay close to us and know that we are here for you at anytime
Oh I will. This site is a huge support system.
Hi KathieO . I have dreams about smoking and loving it. I didn't quit because I hate smoking. I quit because I knew i had to . It is so hard because I loved it. Hope you go back to no smoking. After reading your post I could feel that good feeling and that feeling in my lungs and KNEW it was an addiction feeling, so I turned my mind from it before it reeled me back in... I hope you do too.. I'm wishing you very good luck, and also am thinking of you. Thank you so much for posting. And for being so honest. I'm about two months now, still on the patch and wondering how I will do without any "help" from nicotine when I stop using the patches as well.
I know it awful to say I enjoyed it. I am not smoking now and my target is to stay that way. I’ve always said I’m a smoker who doesn’t smoke. Cigarettes are a challenge every day. I have withdrawal symptoms but they are mild. So just one wakes up the demon. So really if I’m allowed to give advice i broke the golden rule: you can’t even pick one up. So we have to keep strong together with this site and with each other.
How is things now KathieO , you back on the horse?
Hi RoisinO1. I have not smoked since that day. I will say at first I didn’t care and I had fun with the cigarettes. But then this week I saw a video on relapse and then I started feeling bad about it. I lost my day. I lost my victory. I awoke the monster and now the need to defend myself like I worked so hard before. So back on the saddle we go
Hey KathieO , great to read, please don't dwell on what has happened, you are back on the horse and that is all that matters. Stay close to us
1 month now KathieO - how is things?

Good for you for being honest. Do not let a relapse determine your commitment to being smoke free.
Stay strong with your goals when you first quit smoking .Never forget that one cigarret that you smoke , prepares you and creates a desire for the next one . That’s why is an addiction ! Best of luck