I decided to try to quit again with a vape as last time was cold turkey and found the first few weeks a nightmare. I bought the vape three weeks ago and have been having one or two here and there to ease myself in. I’ve been having a pain in my back/lung recently so decided to just switch to the vape alone and it’s been 3 days. Feel good about it but the pain in my back hasn’t gone away. Has anyone else experienced this? It doesn’t hurt more when I breath. Wondering whether it’s the vape...
3 Days with Vape: I decided to try to quit... - No Smoking Day
3 Days with Vape

Hi there; good for you on quitting smoking. Sometimes we have to try a few times before it sticks. Sounds like cold turkey was not fun. I've never used the vape. Any pain in your back or lungs should be checked out by a doctor. Have you thought about Champix instead of vaping?

I used an ecig to help me quit and then I weaned myself off it after about six months. I don’t think I could have done it without the ecig (tried and failed with other methods plenty of times)
It’s much easier to quit vaping than it is to quit smoking in my experience so use it until you feel comfortable enough to try to do without it. The only thing I would warn against is not to use the vape too much. When we smoked there was an obvious stopping point-when the cig burned down to the filter. With a vape it’s easy to just keep on going!
Hello verityell i hope you are doing good dont vape eather people are getting more sick. With vape so stop vaping to take care.

Hi. I used a vape to help me quit a 38 year habit. I used a patch for 2 weeks and went to vape because the patch brought on palpitations and anxiety attacks. I kept lowering the nicotene percentage till it was down to 0 and after a year quit completely. I will be 2 years quit November 14th. I had no problems whatsoever with vaping. The ones getting sick vaping are teens using illegal THC cartridges. Good luck.

I did the same as bjay22 - gradually reduced the nicotine until I was down to 0%. It’s a good way of doing it in my opinion.
Seems a long time ago that you and I quit cigs and eventually ecigs. Never looked back in 4 years. I see your still encouraging others. I check in now and again nice to see old names like yours.
Ahaha, congratulations to you. I have been smoking vape for more than two years and can’t stop it at all, or rather I don’t even want to stop smoking vape ... I used to be very dependent on cigarettes and only thanks to vape could I get rid of nicotine addiction. Which vape do you use and which liquids do you buy ?? I bought IStick Mix Kit and this is definitely the best model. Yes, it is quite expensive, but nevertheless it is a pretty cool model. I used to use liquids from the Monster Cake brand, but then they became too thick and cloying and I decided to find other liquids. Later I found out about a company aquavape.co.uk that produces just a huge assortment and tried their liquids and they are very tasty!
I also quit smoking tobacco products. Switched to VAPE and CBD oils. Vaping I liked the fact that you are able to choose different flavors. But CBD oil is probably the best I've tried. I looked for this product a lot of places, but these guys knockoutcbd.com/cbd-product... have a large range of VAPE and various CBD oils, as well as very good prices and high quality products. After a hard day, I add a couple of drops of this oil into the water before going to bed and forget about insomnia. I advise everyone!