Hi Everyone! My name is Cheryl, I came across this forum today as I stopped smoking 5 days ago, and was wondering how many people there are out there going through the same thing! I'm mentally feeling great for what I've accomplished, but physically the cravings are INSANE! There are so many times that I have had to convince myself to not go buy a box and smoke! I used Champix and it has helped quite a lot! I look forward to sharing this journey with you all!!
Newbie non-smoker!: Hi Everyone! My name is... - No Smoking Day
Newbie non-smoker!

Hi Cheryl
I'm on champix too I'm on my day4 when I get the urge to smoke I keep saying to myself it's the mental habit I'm going through not the physical I know everyone will have their own way of getting passed the urge but it's working for me good luck and keep nicotine free

Huge welcome Cheryl and well done on 5 days, that is great! It takes 3 days for the nicotine to leave your system and you have got over that and are now on the mental battle which will be tough for a while, but GOOD NEWS, as each day passes by it gets easier, keep going and as busy as possible, it will be worth it. Post as often as you need to, strongs xx
Hi Cheryl
There are lot of people on here
All would give good advice.support.
There a great lot of guys
I would not have got into my 6-7 weeks without them
You keep posting.someone will always answer.may take a few hours.but they get there ha
Take care
Keep kicking
Hello, sweetheart!
I'm so glad you made the decision to live a healthier, happier life of a non-addict. Whenever you feel like you're about to clack, come here and tell us about it, we'll be happy to help! 😊

Cherylpere...Sorry I missed this one ...Welcome and good for you...Champix served me well and could quit on my first attempt in 38 years...Yes the craving is still there but could be handled...The emotions is just as strong ...Take care !!!

Hello everyone, wow I don't know how I missed these messages from 2 years ago! I unfortunately failed at my first attempt of quitting, but am now on day 4 of champix again, really not looking forward to the nausea, but just telling myself that it's better than smoking! I can already feel the affect of the champix, I'm still smoking as my quit day is day 14, but the cigarettes are horrible and I'm battling to get through 1, which is great! It'll made day 14 a lot easier! Thank you again for your support! Its much appreciated!!