Though I only was smoke free for 11 months before I relapsed back into smoking. All the time after I quit I wished I never did that ,but we had 5 loved ones pass away in our family within 3 months. I let it get the best of me, but when I realized what I did. I told myself I was gonna get back to being a non smoker. I truly enjoyed being a non smoker. I kept my same routine, I would wait at least a half an hour after waking up to have a cig. Same after eating most times. I also limited myself to 7 cigs a day. Sometimes I would have up to 12 cigs in a day, but would get back on track the very next day. I also got in the routine to not have a cig after 7pm most times. I did this as I wanted to quit again and for good. It has been 14 years since I slipped. I am back on track as of January 21 2019. I knew it was going to be harder,as I quit cold turkey the first time, and now again. I bought the mini lozenges,2mg ones. I took 2 on the 21st, then had 1 on the 22cnd. Then none since. I just wanted them just in case it got as bad as I remember from the first time. It has been just as hard as the first time, but I did it before ,I'm going to do it again. I just keep reminding myself of what I had before,better health ,didn't stink like cigs, more energetic. I truly am grateful for this site. I thank the Lord for having me find this site ,it has helped me out a lot in the last couple of days,when my mind wants to nag,I come here and there will be someone with a post that I needed. I thank you all for the uplifts.
Non smoker again 4 good: Though I only was... - No Smoking Day
Non smoker again 4 good

It’s great to hear your story. And I am glad you found this site too. It has helped me in more ways than one. Hopefully we will hear more from you 😊
oh I will b stayin in touch. I come here and get inspired, and sometimes a good laugh ,when really is needed. You all here are my support,besides my 6 year old Granddaughter that I take care of. The last time I quit seemed a lot easier I would have to say, as I quit in the summer months ,I kept my self busy outside mostly. This time it is in the winter and with the cold we are getting I am not into frostbite. I need to entertain myself indoors. I do my crafts mostly,come on here, and play games with my grandbaby and do her learning books she got for Christmas.2morrow will b 10 days for me. 4 more after will b 2 weeks.yeah cannot wait. It is getting easier to resist, but getting iratated with the constant nag in the mind.Pushing on even if I need to just blank out for a couple mins sometimes. Whatever has to be done to get back to normal,like last time, and beyond 11 months this time.
I thought quitting after the first time was harder too for some reason. It happens so quickly we don’t even know we’re back On the roller coast. If your not taking vitamins you should do so. I starting taking vitamin b with a complex and that helped out a lot. I quit on chantix but still have cravings here and there. But I take the vitamin everyday. It may help you too

I have smoked for 20 years I stopped 3 weeks ago and doing better this week I'm the same as yourself my mind nagging me just to have one but everytime I get passed a craving I'm proud. It's so hard when your having a crap day and u think this wee stick can make it better but it's true what they say about cigarettes don't relieve stress probably makes it worse. I am determined to stop this time it's my second time trying, the first time I was off them for 6 months but christmas night out came and I was back. I'm just so scared it's gong to happen again. It's nice to read your story and see the similarities so thank you 😁
Well Shaz u will b already 11 months smoke free by this Christmas. So u should b more prepared this time around ,And if u r not comfortable this year, u may have to avoid the event in order to keep yourself on track. That will b for you to decide though when you reach that time. I will b 50 on the first day of summer, which will b 5months smoke free for me that is my first milestone. Besides the 11months smoke free back in 2005,before my relapse. I started smoking when I was 16 years of age,as it was the cool thing,back then,so we thought. That makes it about 33 years I have wasted on smoking. I quit the first time for my 1st grandchild that was expected. This time I'M going to be smoke free for all 3 of my grandchildren, and my own self. Since the Law changed in regards to cigs like where u cannot smoke anymore, has been quite helpful from before, as it should help ease others also to know if they control themselves in regards to smoking, and where, they could also become non smokers. If you think about it there are many restrictions in regards to where smoking is prohibited now a days. That's 1 thing I'm grateful for my granddaughter that I take care of she actually has helped me out by keeping my smoking at bay, and not getting back to where I was before,or even worse than my relapse. No smoking in the house, No smoking while children are in the vehicle. No smoking in restaurants, grocery store. We can do it it's all about changing habits,and routines, and changing our thoughts. I wish you the best Shaz that you stick with it, All who have experienced the joy of being a non smoker either once before or still, knows it's worth the fight we have each day to continue to be smoke free.