First time poster, 11 days into quitting (w... - No Smoking Day

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First time poster, 11 days into quitting (with the aid of Champix)

Tryingtquit profile image
15 Replies

Hi all,

Firstly, thanks to all contributors on this site, it's great for support and motivation - reading other's stories helps keep perspective on things.

I'm 38 and have been smoking on and off (more on than off) since my late teens. I seem to be able to quit for periods of time but I always fall off the wagon in social circumstances, especially when there's alcohol involved. To date, I've tried hypnosis (Paul McKenna), cold-turkey, Allen Carr's Easyway and only smoking at the weekends. But I always come back to smoking. This time (which I hope is for-ever) I'm trying champix and although it's not 'easy' I have certainly felt a stronger urge to stay quit.

Whilst I don't want to avoid social circumstances, I do intend to stay stopped and would welcome any advice on different coping mechanisms to deal with cravings when out with friends who smoke.

Many thanks in advance,


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15 Replies
Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor

Hi George.. Welcome, 11 days is excellent and I think you have beached on a safe shore...This community is super and you will get very good advice....

As a Champix quitter myself I want to urge you to understand that Champix is not a magic pill that will make you stop must stop and Champix will assist....!!

Champix served me well but I can assure you that you might have all the symptoms of quitting cold turkey...The physical withdrawel will be hidden a bit by by Champix but the emotional side will be as strong as if you quit CT.

Tryingtquit must soon become Icanquit..because you can if you desire it.

We are looking forward to follow your journey...Keep on posting and stay strong...!!

Tryingtquit profile image
Tryingtquit in reply to Hercu

Thanks Hercu and well done on achieving 500 days! Very inspiring.

You're right, it isn't a magic pill - I found that out when my first quit day went by and I was still smoking. A couple of days later I applied some willpower and kickstarted the quit. For some reason I thought the champix would do all the hard work for me, it didn't!

Weird / vivid dreams, increased appetite, irritability are all things I'm experiencing at the moment and I'm finding the 'habit' to be the toughest thing to break e.g. first cig on wakening, cig break time at work, cig in the car on the way home from work etc - but even bad habits can be broken. I intend to stay on the champix for at least the suggested 3 months - if it takes longer, so be it.

Out of curiosity, how long did you stay on Champix for and did you find it hard to stop?

All the best for now!


Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply to Tryingtquit

Thank you George...the 500 days badge is a nice achievement yes, although it is almost 730 days now...Yes 2 years and I will never smoke again...!!

Smoked 38 years at 60 per day on the latter years and was almost forced to stop if I didn't want to grow old with an oxygen bottle on my side...(COPD)

Champix helped me to reduce from 60 to 0 on day 12...almost 2 weeks from starting with Champix to complete stop..Yup I also forced it because on day 10 I smoked 9 cigs Day 11, 3 and day 12 that early morning one half and that was the last puff ...ever !!!

I completed the whole 12 week course at full reccomended dose, had a very bad week after stopping the Champix but pushed through and here I am ....A smoker who never wants to smoke again...!!!

I supplemented herbally to get the dopamine flowing without the nicotine and think that was my saviour...

I am in my very late 50's and can now Jog 5 km 3 x per week, do a bit of weights on a machine bought with savings from not smoking and do offshore Kayak angling almost every 3rd weekend paddling 10 to 15 km a day.

Life is good not smoking George...!!!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Hercu

Another week or so and you will be 2 years Hercu - how quick has that 2nd year flown? Time is just moving too quickly :O

Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply to RoisinO1

It is so amazing Roisin...Yes 730 Days ..WOW !!

Feels like yesterday preparing for the Penthouse move...!!

Tryingtquit profile image
Tryingtquit in reply to Hercu

Hi again Hercu,

You mentioned that you supplemented herbally to get the dopamine flowing - could you please point me in the direction of where to start in the supplements game/research? I see from some of your posts that it played a really big part in your quit and am keen to try anything that helps me stay quit.

I'm hopeful that this grumpy phase is just that and have my eye firmly on the prize of staying quit for good.



Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply to Tryingtquit

George..Definately 99% of "success" I blame on the correct supplements at the correct time... I have lost the link but search supplements to help you quit smoking on the internet.

Read a lot and see what suits you..There is a wide range but search Dopamine and Serotonin suplements as well...

Strongs..!! ( It really helped me)

in reply to Tryingtquit

Bang! Hey I just reached 11 days too. I tell you what – it's easy. Don't even think about it. You're a non-smoker now so there is nothing to think about. This is about the 15th time I've tried to quit this year and right now I can say I have definitely quit, why? Because I got so tired of going through the whole process over and over again and I'm not prepared to frustrate myself with it any more. I have been smoking for over forty years and do you know what, not one cigarette manufacturer ever thanked me for my loyalty. I used to buy small bags of rolling tobacco, basically I quit when they priced 30g packets out of my range. So 1) I can't afford it any more 2) There's no thanks for slowly killing myself and 3) I can actually taste food. My final words are – don't pay the rich to kill you, go running, eat fine food, go to bed early, enjoy life.

Tryingtquit profile image
Tryingtquit in reply to

Hey Bobb, thanks for the input and well done on quitting. Your story is similar to mine in that I could stop (and did, regularly) but staying stopped has always seemed impossible. I think the move to larger packs of rolling tobacco helped with my decision too; what was an easy to afford 'wee treat' now hurts the bank account.

Stay positive and see you at the 1 month stage!

All the best,


Hercu profile image
HercuValued Contributor in reply to

You Nailed it Bob...the easy part is remebering the suffering when you quit...Mark Twain also said it is easy he has quit thousands of times... The difficult part however is to stay quit...!!!

RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free

Welcome Tryingtquit and congratulations on 11 days quit, that is great, well done!

I quit over 20 months ago cold turkey and never looked back, was a very heavy smoker (30 or sometimes 40 if having a bad day). I can't add anymore to Hercu 's excellent advice on champix (think he took the full 12 week course and it is recommended you do the full course as far as I am aware).

The great thing for you George is that you have not giving up on quitting but it is vital you learn from each quit and not make the same mistake again, you know socializing is an issue for you so try to avoid the situation until you are strong in your quit, once you get over the first one, the next one will be so much easier. I didn't go out until I was over a month quit and found it hard but easier the next time, you HAVE to be ready to attack it, be strong and have the mantra - SMOKING IS NOT AN OPTION (the NOPE mantra - Not One Puff Ever, is a bit scary in the early days of our quits as our brain is in chaos re-wiring and it is hard to comprehend never smoking again but definitely one to use when later on in your quit).

You CAN do this! We look forward to reading your progress. Below is a list of pinned posts if not already read

Tryingtquit profile image
Tryingtquit in reply to RoisinO1

Thank you for the welcome and encouragement Roisin and for the link.

I like the idea of avoiding challenging situations until one feels ready to deal with it; the quit has to come first.

NOPE all the way!

Kind regards,


RoisinO1 profile image
RoisinO1Administrator3 Years Smoke Free in reply to Tryingtquit

No problem George, your over 1 week milestone badge is on its way :)

Nozmo profile image
NozmoValued Contributor

Hello George,

I quit using an ecig so used this as a substitute in social situations. That said I still used to crave the real thing at the start of my quit. The only advice I can give is to take it easy on the drink. You don't have to avoid the situations altogether but just avoid the "alcohol reasoning" emerging after one too many. I've been in that situation MANY times and I know how it can make you do some daft things.

As Roisin mentions, it gets easier the more you do it. Going out for a drink with my smoking mates doesn't bother me one bit now.

Tryingtquit profile image

Hi Nozmo,

Thanks for your support; it's greatly appreciated.

You're right about taking it easy on the drink, good advice. That is really at the crux of my issues with staying stopped. After a few drinks, just one cig seems like a great idea (which it never is). I'm looking forward to it being easier.

Well done on achieving 1 year smoke free - though it's a long way away for me, seeing that someone else has managed it makes me more determined to quit.

All the best,


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