Hi all names k I'm 19, I have various mh and physcial health issues and some learning disabilities.
I joined in hopes to just help/find support through others who have better understanding and may relate and share ways we may have learned to help our ocd.
I was diagnosed with ocd rather young around age 5-6 but it wasn't too bad and my family could cope with it but as I got older around age 11 is when it got worse and I was ment to receive support through camhs however because of my other mh struggles and some more significant things it got pushed aside and never been helped with. I been in the care system since I was 5 then around 12/13 went home then due to some difficulties had to have restbite ect as my mams a single parent of 4 kids all with additional needs and mh struggles, then at 15 got put back into the care system fully due to my mh struggles becoming worse and impacting my family and siblings more my mam couldn't cope and so it was easier to just get me out as I clearly needed more support but she couldn't provide it for all of us (youngest 2 are twins now 17 and my eldest sibling is 27 but lives at home because of his additional needs dispite he did move out at 18 got married and had his own place 2yrs later his wife was caught sleeping with his best mate and due to his other needs effected him majorly and he has returned home and been there since) I then after being kicked out got moved so many times and the incidents became worse and more life threatening thankfully over past year nearly 2yrs things have improved and I have been moved twice in that time now nearly 6 months into my current placement which has been amazing.
The issues with it all and my ocd is because most my placements were shared and with other people my ocd got worse and is probs the worst it has ever been now, I have a bit of a mix of ocd that is believed to be trauma related so one is germs but it effects me where no one can touch any of my things and if they due results in major meltdown and distress I also have to have my own dishes ect to eat off hower are okay with using the pots and pans everyone else uses but I need to wash them myself throughly before I can use them, however so things like my stuff in my room or my phone or bag ect as long as the person asks me if they can move/touch it I'm somewhat okay like it does cause me to sometimes have a panic attack and I then move it or if showing them somthing on my phone if I give them my phone no doubt are my thoughts racing but if I trust them enough I can do it but only for a few mins nothing long because it becomes too anxiety enduring.
I also have ocd around washing I have to shower with crocs on/somthing on my feet as can't cope with the thought others have walked or stood there and unless in my own bedroom is where I dont have to wear anything on my feet but past the door I have to and anyone who comes in my room (eg staff checking on me ect) they have to keep shoes on and or socks, I have certain routines/checking processes I have to do before I sleep and it had to be done 8 times between midnight and 3am or somthing bad will happen.
I get daily thoughts of haveing to do a certain thing or somthing will happen to someone I care about or myself.
I think though what's gotten worst and effects me the worst is my intrusive thoughts (I belive its called pure o my phyciatrist said a few years back) and I don't talk of them or let anyone know of them due to the extent of them sometimes and how it effects me like it eats me up inside and can effect me to the point of wanting to unalive as I feel vile and horrible about them and they scare me.