I want to paint a clear picture. Since the coronavirus . I have quiet my job and school is over. I unfortunately had to stop working because son is high risk and I have no health insurance. So now I try to fill my day and be productive. I garden, do chores , take dog for a walk and cook/clean of course. My downfall is I still have the anxiety and OCD I never fixed since being locked up it has made my symptoms so much worse. I wish I could just go to work and work on myself . I hate this virus.
Daily my OCD kicks in no matter what I do I cant distract myself. My heart starts racing I get cripples by the same OCD thought and then finally I react/ flip out on OCD issue.
So for example Ive been gardening for the first time and found some obvious problems about my garden due to some direct and indirect things neighbor has done to their yard.
I talked to my neighbor they said talk to co op. Im trying to solve these issues such as trench directed in my yard in such. Now I feel so uncomfortable going in my yard due to my neighbor making negative comments at me after I asked them to please fix the problem. I also should not my impulsiveness kicked in and I ruined my phone in pouring down rain to record the effects the trench into my yard.
I know that Im right in the situation as far as trench is concerned but hate how my OCD makes me focus every thought on this problem are any problem that arises.
This week all as Ive been worried about is the yard and have got nothing else done because of it. Ive texted my friend about this problem for advice. My home unit is done hearing about. I cant stop thinking about till the co op where I live fixes the problem.
The only thing is this is the story of my life. Theres always a problem big or small and I never feel at rest always in a fight or flight response. I think Im my own worst enemy and create at least 80% of my problems. I hate taking care of issues and procrastinate as long as possible. Leading up to issues just worry about. I never feel content. Just emotional and upset when its all over with issue. I don’t know how to conduct myself professionally then issues arise and act on impulse 99% of the time. Im a anxiety OCD rollercoaster daily. The only thing I have going for me is my walks with my dog.
Im also getting very depressed. I have a hard time instituting change. It so hard just to be me.
I still haven’t take care of the yard issue with maintenance and feel defeated already due to excessive energy and worry already put into.
I just want to be happy and at peace. Stop or control my OCD. So my family can feel secure and happy. I feel my son thats a teen has better control of his emotionals and worries about me. I want to be a role model. I feel sad tired, broken , lonely and defeated by myself.
I fear Im losing my mind and cant stand this isolation anymore. I have to for my son.
Ive also been having anxiety attacks. Which are worse during my menstrual periods. I have a therapist I pay put of pocket and she suggests hormones to be checked. She also said she was a couple days ago that I need to be able to start to change if I don’t she doesn’t know how to help me. She felt bad and worried for me. This was a first as Ive been seeing her for a while. She gives suggestions I often still feel lost and not sure how to help myself cope.
Any suggestions on how to cope with OCD thoughts?
Therapies like ERT?
Also suggestions on Anxiety coping?
I have to be very active daily to sleep at night sometimes find myself crippled by my OCD and not getting anything accomplished.