I’m Karalin and I struggle with OCD as well. I’ve had it since I was 10, and it had gotten worse from time to time. But know my real question. Here goes. So my OCD works in a way as though I get cycles. I just went through this bad one where I had to pick up trash WITH MY BARE HANDS DURING COVID-19. I know I know, wth(what the heck) is what you’re probably thinking, but I just felt like well. In my head it was like, you’re gonna regret this forever and things like that. I knew that wasn’t true but I had to. I would get so mad I would go “Ugh” so many times. I hated it. But of course that was after my full fledged Covid themed OCD frakout regarding a spring break trip that I had been looking forward too for over a decade which got canceled. And of course I can never go on this trip ever again. But it’s not a big deal. Is hat optimistic me would say. But that me isn’t writing this. Phew I’m sorry that’s my rant, Covid life sucks. I’m sure we can all agree. Right now I’m obsessing about cracks in sidewalks. It’s causing me to lose time even faster. And you all Time is something I keep losing to my ADHD. I’m afraid I could get run over or hurt my ankles, because it’s like playing a dangerous game of hop scotch. I don’t why this happens. Wow maybe I do need help. I’m just glad I found you all who get me. No offense to non OCD people, but you know I just feel slightly annoyed. They kind of joke about it. Like oh I guess I’m a little OCD. It doesn’t bother too much. But still, I wish they didn’t do it. It so sucks to have this. If you think I’m a crazy person, I apologize this is long. But I’m kinda pouring out my soul. It’s nice to meet you all.
Sincere,y, Karalin