For the past 4 years I've been struggling with anxiety and depression i went through therapy and I've been taking antidepressants for 3 years now (on and off due to financial difficulties). However about 2 months ago, I started getting these ideas about death how will it happen will it be painful ? What will happen after i die ? And thoughts like that and it's been causing me great anxiety and panic attacks. I really don't know what to think is it OCD is it anxiety ?? How can i cope with that ?? If there's anyone who can help me maybe someone who got over this thought?? I'll be extremely greatful
I just joined can I grt some help? - My OCD Community
I just joined can I grt some help?

Hi Lunardust,
Well, as someone with OCD, I can tell you that uncertainty and the unknown are really, really anxiety-provoking and difficult to tolerate. And what could be more uncertain & unknowable than death?! It's astounding how our brains can jump right to what will be the most anxiety-provoking scenarios for us.
One of my biggest tasks is learning how to sit with uncertainty. I spend a lot of time telling myself "I may never know for sure."
Try writing out a little script for yourself with multiple possibilities: "Death may be painful. Death may be peaceful. Death may be lonely. Death may be comfortable. I may never know for sure." We need to gradually grow more comfortable with not knowing and uncertainty and gray areas. You've got this.

Thanks for your advice . I think the uncertainty is one of the factors that caused me this fear and anxiety but on the other hand i think what's really scary to me and what i think the core of my problem is that i realized how close death can be it6like all my life i thought about death as something that happens to other people not me tho. Besides that i think the emotional analysis that I'm doing like I really believe that since i feel this way there's a reason for it which is the thought that I'm going to die soon.
Hi Lunardust. I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time. According to the word of God, it says "these things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God" 1 John 5:13
Jesus's death on the cross was our substitution for our sins. We must receive his gift by asking him into our heart and making him the Lord of our lives! God wants everyone to know according to scripture that they have an eternal home.
I personally don't worry about death because upon receiving Christ in 1986 I know I have eternal life.
Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but, by me"
I want you to know you don't need to fear death, you don't need to be anxious over any aspect over it once you accept Jesus as Saviour.
Yes! As a Christian I still have OCD. We live in a fallen world but, I want your mind to be put at ease about the afterlife.
I have experienced something similar, namely a fear about the afterlife. I have gone through phases where I’ve ruminated on what it would be like to have to experience an eternity of suffering in the afterlife if there is not a just god etc,etc.
The reality is I don’t know and I’m sure no mortal human being who’s ever existed knows what happens at the point of death. I’ve come accept that I can never get certainty on that and I try to focus more on what’s tangible ie the here and now.
When the thoughts about the afterlife come, I acknowledge them, I see them as thoughts. Maybe they represent the truth, maybe not. I accept them mindfully and move on without engaging too much. More and more I try to see my mind as a part of me that is trying to think it’s way to safety and certainty. No amount of thinking or trying to rationalise these issues will ever succeed. ERP means acknowledging these thoughts as ruminations about the future but not engaging with them beyond that. Eventually they ease. I still don’t know what’s ahead but I spend less time ruminating about the future and more time acknowledging (and enjoying) the things that are real. Trying to become more connected to other people, friends, family also helps to live more in the present