Hi everyone, Apologies for the lengthy post!
So I definitely have an anxiety disorder, I also think I have traits of OCD but never had a diagnosis. I obsess ALOT! my obsession always focus around my mental health, before I go further I must say this is the first flare up in over 4 years.
4 years ago I had a terrible time with anxiety, I've always had a fear of depression and becoming suicidle & had an horrendous fear of developing psychosis. This resulted in my having intrusive thoughts, terrified that I would loose grip on reality & hurt myself or my children. Long story short I seen a therapist and managed to beat these feelings. I learnt a lot & moved on, like I said this was over 4 years ago!
I'm a mother of 2 beautiful girls & I'm currently pregnant with my 3rd baby girl! I'd say the past 2 months my fears are rearing it's ugly head and putting me back in that same place I was 4 years ago, I've reached out for help and already had one therapy session. My anxiety and fears are always been triggered by something I've read or heard on the news ect.. the fear of developing psychosis is back with vengeance & because I'm pregnant I know their is a chance of postpartum psychosis, it's really rare and affects 1 in 1000 new mothers, as rare as it is this doesn't help ease me, my mind tells me I'm 100% going to be that person that gets it! It's extremely difficult to deal with and shake it off. But what I'm really struggling with is the anxious mind that comes with it! So when I had this fear 4 years ago I did a lot of reaserech on the illness and read a lot of forums of people with psychosis, the worst thing I ever could of done. As if fearing this fear isn't bad enough It's like I now question every single thing I'm doing, it's like I'm so hyper aware of everything I do and think, for example if I'm out shopping and I see someone looking I will automatically think to myself 'do I think they're plotting against me' I will question 'do I think the t.v is trying to communicate with me' constantly always scared of the 'what ifs' let me add I DO NOT think these kind of things but the fact I even question these things terrifies me & how fast my brain is to come up with these thoughts is crazy. My anxious mind is relentless, I always feel like I'm literally about to slip into psychosis and become delusional! When I look back on photos of me and my children and see how genuinely happy I am my brain will go 'these photos will be on news articles when you finally loose your mind and snap' my anxiety and intrusive thoughts seem to attack everything I love the most! I'm exactly back in that space I was 4 years ago and the fact I'm pregnant (31 weeks pregnant) doesn't help, I'm already exhausted, uncomfortable, not sleeping great due to the growing baby, hormonal etc etc, so all this exhaustion just adds to my anxiety! I do get comfort though knowing I've been through this before and never slipped into psychosis, but I'm utterly convinced due to my pregnancy that my anxiety will turn into psychosis in the postpartum stage with their already being a risk (1 in 1000 woman being at a risk of psychosis after child birth) I'm terrified I will induce it on myself, with the hormonal shift & the anxious mind & ruminating it's like It's just destined to be!
Does anyone else think like this and have the same feelings as if they're about to just slip into psychosis? I really don't know how to handle it, my mind just feels so fuzzy because it's constantly on the go thinking 'what if this, what if that'
Sorry just to also add, I constantly fear I will start acting weird, out of character, or when I'm talking to someone I think what if I'm not making sense, what if they think I'm actually mentally unwell..
It's so so tiring
Thank you in advance to anyone who replies 🙂