I was physically evicted from my apartment last Friday due to Nonpayment of Rent. The past rent that I owed was paid off before my lease expired. My landlord refused to recertify me for my affordable housing and still was able to evict me for Nonpayment of Rent. They retaliated against me because I formed a tenant's union and called the BOH when they refused to fix the mold in my dishwasher. They lied about coming to a cordial agreement in court that would work for both parties, they lied about there being a waiting list for my apartment (there is no one waiting and they would rather see the apartment empty and not used then continue to rent to me), they lied about us not looking for other apartments, they lied that it is not their fault that we can't find an apartment (it's impossible to get housing after an eviction and you have shitty credit (my boyfriend got laid off from two jobs and we fell behind on rent and utilities). I have severe anxiety, severe OCD, and social anxiety and none of my family or friends will house me. People are suggesting that I stay at a campground or motel or shelter, but this will only exasperate my mental illnesses. I am beyond devastated that when I reached out for help 3 years ago, no one in my social network helped me. Instead they told me to cash out the last of my savings to secure the apartment that I just lost. So when my boyfriend got laid off we had no emergency funds to fall back on. I am homeless, nearly broke (there is no way I can afford to pay my storage fee for my personal belongings and continue to stay at a hotel), and completely lost! Can anyone help or does anyone know someone who will rent to someone with an eviction on their record and shitty credit?!
Homeless, Hopeless, Lost: Can Anyone Help?! - My OCD Community
Homeless, Hopeless, Lost: Can Anyone Help?!

There is an alliance known as NAMI ( national alliance for mental illness. They are located in all states of the USA. They advocate for people who are in similar situations like us , They have access to every county public in need programs like shelters ( temporary until they get a real place with their help) ,clothing, food , childcare and help with employment, and counseling all paid from county funds. Might be worth looking into or an organization in your area.

I am in New YORK ,and NAMI does NOTHING ,strictly money grabbing Org.

I have tried organizations such as NAMI, but due to my OCD, depression, and anxiety a shelter (sharing living quarters) would only exasperate my mental health.
I am in same predicament ,only 2 evictions ,3rd is coming. And New York ,has the highest rents in Country.
Ya I live in Boston and they don't fuck around with evictions. My lanlord's attorney didn't care that I had a mental illness, nor that I would be homeless and couldn't secure an apartment. I would really love to know how the hell people expect someone like us to survive out there?! When you have exhausted all your options and no one in your social group will help what else is there to do. Do you have any suggestions? I have tried airbnb, homeaway, vrbo, craigslist, hotels, campgrounds, and rvs. My funds have run out and the s state of MA condones one sleeping in a car.
Sorry to hear, what has caused your OCD if you don't mind me asking?
I would of helped you if you were in the U.K
I was diagnosed three years ago when my life spiraled out of control and it was also a by-product of sexual molestation. I moved 7 times in a year in a half, because of unsanitary conditions, landlord harassment, health code violations, and noise nuisance. When I finally secured myself a happy and healthy place to live my symptoms improved and I was getting better. Now that I have no savings to secure a roof over my head my OCD, anxiety, and depression is full fledged. I got through a fight or flight mode and more and more I just want to flee to far away place and disappear completely. I feel as though no one understands how the ramifications of being evicted when you have a mental illness, let alone when you are broke with bad credit!
Sorry to hear. I have debt that I need to pay off. My OCD spiralled out of control when my Mum got ill and it started from there basically. I haven't worked properly for 4 months and it's killed my income and my state of life! But I am getting back on the mend, having CBT sessions once per week, I have a cleaning job 5 nights per week and work at the weekends in a supermarket! It's not big dough but it's making me feel better!
Have you thought about doing some cleaning work? What type of OCD do you have? x
I think that they are located in all states. They advocate for people who are in similar situations like you, they have access to every county public in need programs like shelters, clothing, food, childcare, and help with employment, and counseling all paid from county funds. If you are looking for an apartment, I can advise large studio apartments forest hills. Moreover, there is a company(parkertowers.com/) which gives the apartment in rent for 1.5 months for free and they can take you now with this quarantine.